Apr 21, 2005 21:18
So I know some of you are wondering --what the fuck is going on. And I really shouldn't be letting all my busy out on xanga but I figure, im a senior, I got 2 weeks left of school and I really dont give a shit anymore...as if I ever ::smiles::
Annnd here's the deal...A certain someone likes my significant other. Given, me and him have techniquely broken up for a while now, we still do everything together. When either of us isn't working we spend all our spare time together--i.e. tonight duh!, we call each other at least 3 times a day (totally wasting our daytime minutes!), we go on dates, go shopping, out to eat, everything-we just dont have a title due to certain circumstances.
Now I can deal with someone liking my ex/boyfriend/significant other--whatever the hell we are to each other..what pisses me off about the situation is that this certain someone has been telling people that she with out a doubt goes out with him when she hasn't even seen him in person without me and she hasn't talked to him on the phone in weeks. She probably doesn't even know his full name. Given--my significant other is very friendly and has known to be very personable especially to people in need of friendship or a ear to listen and I could see how maybe it could have been mistaken for flirting and inevitably all a big misunderstanding, maybe she thought they were talking when they werent--but when someone comes up to my friend and says that my "boyfriend" is green because he went to prom with me when he really goes out with her, there is something wrong. And furthermore, what happened to that rule that says friends dont date each other's ex's? I mean, I thought we were cool but all of a sudden she stops talking to me and starts calling my special someone, hers. Even if he was interested in her, to call a exboyfriend who the girl is still obviously into your own is beyond low. U know what the saddest part is, deep down inside shes a nice, sweet and attractive girl and maybe if she tried to be herself for once instead of aimlessly persuing other people's property im absolutely sure she would find someone to love and to love her back. But that is on her.
A little earlier I said I was pissed but now that I think about it, im really not pissed. Just hurt that someone who is supposed to be my friend would do that and disappointed that him trying to be a friend to her escalated into this, neither of them should have allowed it to happen. Alas, it has happened and though I wont forget it, I forgive u