Feb 23, 2017 20:43
I just love starting work at 6am.
Everyone else gets to start at 5 and can do their work over the top of mine, effectively burying the area I need to work in! I'm not in their way!
And the traffic at 2:30? It doesn't get any better! Holy crap, toll lane costs an average of $4 to $5 at that time and costs more to use than the extra gas I end up using by putting along in slow and stupid traffic. I mean, otherwise I'd be paying $0.50 to use the carpool lane and using less gas over the whole month by not sitting in traffic!
I HATE SAVING MONEY! Who needs that mess!? Not me!
Fucking Christ.
Just for this week I got to start at 5 though, and the day goes by so much faster. I'm training an incompetent little turd. He's a little shit. Breaks things, I'm not sure how.. his job is the easiest, but takes a little finesse. He lacks finesse. And he's lazy.
Oh well. I think he's just about got the hang of the new parts of his job. Then next week the riggers start at 6 as well, instead of 5. THIS IS GOOD FOR ME OMG. NO MORE AWKWARD ANGLES TO GET AT MY STUFF BECAUSE IT'S FUCKING BURIED UNDER CABLES.
And I guess after Friday those who wish to avoid me can take whatever path to work they want, as I'll be back to 6am.
Truly, I don't know how to act around them.
Shields go up. Say nothing that can be misconstrued or read farther into than is intended. Walk away thankful for the chance but saddened at what it all is now.
Bah. Enough about work.
I'm getting a new kitty soon. It's possible I'll get one related to Tuesday, but we'll see. I met quite a few kitties at the breeder (same one) one being a relative. They are all just lovey as can be. Tuesday's grand niece was grumpy. She just got fixed and was not feeling well. She's a cutie with a pretty face, but I hope she has a different personality when I go to see her again after her little recovery. So far she's very like Tuesday and that makes my heart ache. And it wouldn't be fair to sit there and compare her.
I will say though, the next day after meeting so many lovelies, I felt a little better about the world. There is a little bit of healing.
I'm going to Comic con. All 4 days! Going to meet Eleven! Going to meet Beefcake Aquaman! Going to try to get in on a workshop on using foam as a costume medium if there is one. The kind they use to make armor. I'd love to put time and energy in over the next year and make a Sigrún skin Mercy costume.
Mercy is my favorite character from Overwatch. Man I fucking love that game. It's TF2 but better.
Let's see, what else?
Working on building up motivation to work out. I'm close lol.
Need a bench though.
Working on a puzzle. Our D&D group got it started and we could NOT find this single edge piece for weeks. Thought it didn't come with.
Found it a couple days ago. We were about ready to douse it in gasoline and light it on fire.
But now I've found that it is made by Satan (it literally has pieces that OVER-FUCKING-LAP. Pieces I'm sure are in the right spot) and we will be setting it ablaze on Sunday.
I'm actually really sad about it. I had that thing 2/3 done and wanted to frame it. Like when was the last time I did a puzzle, or even wanted to? And I finally get one and it's defective...
UPDATE: Found another edge piece.. Somehow we thought it was one of the inner pieces (this puzzle has fucking flat pieces in the middle) and long story short, I finished the puzzle lol. Now, do I frame the bastard or rebox it? Hmmm.
Anything else?
Uhh. Fuck if I know. Kinda feel like I'm adrift at the moment. Just going along. Nothing deep or introspective going on.