(no subject)

May 06, 2007 23:55

I feel like I need a day off after being on vacation for three.

I don't know if you can really call going to the Kentucky Derby a vacation, there was nothing relaxing about this weekend. And after driving from Louisville to Chicago then back home today I'm about ready to fall over. My feet will never forgive me for 9 hours standing in heels, they may permanently be ruined. I will never be able to drink another mint julep, because while that's not what made me pretty drunk it did contribute and it didn't taste nearly as good coming back up...I swear I wasn't that wasted, I'm claiming food poisoning, damn that hot dog.

I took some pictures and whenever I get around to developing them I hope that the Joey picture came out, but by the time I realized he was walking by it was kind of the side of his head, lol...oh well, I tried. And I joked about seeing Larry Birkhead, but I actually did...he had the biggest entourage of any celebrity (is he a celebrity?) how sad is that.

Must shower, sleep and nurse the sunburn, tomorrow will be no better, class from 10-5 then the intern thing from 6-10, I want to call in sick or just not leave my bed at all. Going to fall over.
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