getting a little bit better, getting a little bit independent....just getting by in life

Aug 05, 2007 16:45

times have come and go, and people do aswell....but, the ones that really care are the ones that will stay with you always, because without the shadow of doubt looming over them, they know that there will be times when certain things will happen that will shape you, wake you up, and show you like a flash of bright light: that things happen

you can stay at home and cry your eyes out and go back to the mundane circle of crap that you've been doing for a while.....

.......or you can finally see that between your legs you have a pair of balls and that you need to step up more than you ever thought you did before.

that you gotta see, that you can step it up.

that you can change

become better
become wiser
appreaciate what you AND you alone could'nt see before....

.....that you gotta love yourself and see that people do care for you.

it's already just been, like mebbe 4 days now......maybe more
but the wardrobe is new, the attitude had been adjusted, and ive been realizing qute alot of stuff lately...

im a good looking fucker, lol:smile:
that i wont gain a buncha weight if a have a ittle snack....or fuck it, eat actualy something that just the one meal a day thing that I've been doing for the last decade or so.
ive been smiling more.....and no, it's not like before, you know.....
a huge wakeup call has been rung

i can actually admit that i do feel different, and not in some "it'll only last a week" kinda thing.
relationships right now are a whole different thing
but you know what, im not going to let it get me......when it happens, it'll hapen because someone will come to me.

it's weird, it is true about that "it comes to you, you dont come to it"
eitherway, im just keeping myself busy with work...and just seeign what happens, y'know.....not worrying about the fact that i might die alone
i got better things on my schedule to do for now:

1. save up to move out
(i already have about 600 saved in the bank, so breaking a 1000 wont be too hard....)
2. get my own phone
3. live life without the worries of the world that held me back from enjoying life in the first place......not letting my fears ruin moods, relationships, friendships.

.......i love my friends
and whatever has happened, i have and will continue to be loyal to you because you have been putting up with my emotional psychobabble for long enough and it's time i give you the kudos you richly deserve.

im glad to have you all in my life
win, lose or draw...whatever we've gone through personally and whatnot , you have always seen that i have nothing but the best in mind with you.
that i have always been loyal to you guys....but now i can appreciate how much of a wonderful group of people you realy are and for that, i dont ever want to forget that i love you all.
and that friendships with you are the most important things, not for how long we've known each other, but for what we've gone through together.
and as long as i have you in life, even if it is just a friend, that's what matters
because i dont wanna go through this this new life, this new experience without you.

....oh yeah, and ive lost the 10 pounds i gained when i started working as a assistant manager at gamestop, lol

guess eating your vegetables does help, lol
although it does suck that i have to eat an entire vegetable burrito by myself...shit, half of that alone fills me up:crazy: to eat the other half?:lol:

oh yeah, and the profile change....well that was kinda necesarry
and yeah, some of the pictures will be taken down
gotta post some new ones.
show you the NEW real me.

the EDGAR F (francisco for those who aren't in the know) VELASCO i should have been a while back, if it was'nt for those emotional setbacks here and there...

hope you enjoy the ride, because im excited to see where this goes
and im glad you have decided to come with me....

This is the first day of my life
I swear I was born right in the doorway
I went out in the rain suddenly everything changed
They're spreading blankets on the beach

Yours is the first face that I saw
I think I was blind before I met you
Now I don’t know where I am
I don’t know where I’ve been
But I know where I want to go

And so I thought I’d let you know
That these things take forever
I especially am slow
But I realize that I need you
And I wondered if I could come home

Remember the time you drove all night
Just to meet me in the morning
And I thought it was strange you said everything changed
You felt as if you'd just woke up
And you said “this is the first day of my life
I’m glad I didn’t die before I met you
But now I don’t care I could go anywhere with you
And I’d probably be happy”

So if you want to be with me
With these things there’s no telling
We just have to wait and see
But I’d rather be working for a paycheck
Than waiting to win the lottery
Besides maybe this time is different
I mean I really think you like me

thank you
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