The Joys of Parenthood

Apr 20, 2008 19:08

I just love being a parent...

I've just gotten off the phone with my son, who has seen fit to give me an abusive call.  After being called every manner of name under the sun, informed that he has quit school, has no job is smoking cigarettes and grass, he hung up on me.  I stayed completely calm, but really, couldn't have said much.  I then called my ex-wife.  I was concerned about my son, and didn't know where he was.  He was home, and she knew about the phone call.  It turns out that she agrees with him, and that everything that has ever gone wrong in their lives is my fault.

Then I cut loose. Calmly, with precision, I told her everything (well almost everything) that I've wanted to tell her for a long time.  She of course hung up on me, after saying that she wouldn't (standard procedure really).  I left it 30 minutes and called back.  She said she thought I had hung up... yeah, right.  Anyway, things were a bit calmer, and she started talking about my son's schooling until she mysteriously had to go and hung up again while I was talking. TALKING mind, not yelling, shouting, screaming, etc.

I'm a relatively calm man, but I can only be pushed so far before I explode.  I have been putting up with this silence crap from my kids for a year now, and I've had enough.  My head tells me it's time to walk away, but my heart tells me they are my kids and I need to keep trying.  Rock and a hard place, Devil and the deep blue see.  No matter what I do, I lose.

Nothing new there, at least.


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