Dec 07, 2007 22:54
Spade is taking a walk out the in woods. He's no particular destination in mind, nor any aim. He just needs to get out. And so he's wandering in a great coat, smoke rising from below his fedora to wreath his head.
T: Retroactively labeled canon. Yes, another one.
Jun 01, 2007 15:43
He's on the front porch, idly reading The Three Musketeers and smoking. He's been edgy without a mystery to solve, but he's continued to tell himself he just needs to adapt. He wasn't going home any time soon, after all. Most days, he didn't regret it. For now, he would try some simple escapism and see if that got him anywhere.
Jun 01, 2007 15:38
Sam's not been in the library as much as he used to be lately. Since he's given up, more or less, about finding answers to what makes the Mansion tick, his time has been devoted elsewhere. Today, though, he's looking for a new mystery, having finished Murder on the Orient Express, and so finds himself there once again.