Aug 12, 2005 01:09
Heading off to Arizona in about 14 hours! Still have a few items to pack, which I'll be doing as soon as I'm done online. Can't wait to go - should be a lot of fun, plus we get to see one of our littlest cousins (6 months) so that's certainly something to look forward to! Course, my sister still has barely started packing, and we have to leave the house in about 9 hours - and most of that time should be spent sleeping! Gorram crazy little sister! I suppose I should go and see if there's anything I can do to help . . . but gorramit, I almost feel like letting her alone, see if she can pull it off on her own. Only problem, if she manages to pull it off, it'll require little to no sleep, which means I'm left with a crabby, cranky Emily tomorrow on the plane. Grr argh!
Ah, well, I'm still off, and I'll get back home on the 22. Hopefully I'll update soon after that.