Jul 08, 2008 16:42
Charleston Befuddles me.
Serious issues are to be had with getting things accomplished at that school. Granted, taking all these BS classes will be easy, but I will probably be bored out of my mind before long. Hopefully, I can get the English class fixed, and hopefully pick up another 6 or 12 credits after re-appealing them as well.
My study here at work on who comes in when was decidedly unsuccessful. My boss's statement was that she already knew everything in there, and that she took the people's commentary as a personal attack. People here don't like here because she doesn't effing care. If she didn't make that as obvious, or at least were here some of the time, that might be different. So, even though I was only trying to help, I came off looking like a complete ass. These things happen.
The car has finally been replaced with a 2000 Taurus station wagon. It's pretty cool, except that it doesn't have a CD player. It's kind of like a more modern version of the Roppongi mobile that Alex used to have.
I also bought about the most amazing bicycle ever today. It's blue and cream and THE MOST old-lady thing ever. I think I need a walking skirt to ride it with. If anyone sees a nice basket, I'm in the market for one, as it were.
So, despite my scheduling issues, I am very excited about going to school. My roommate finally decided that she is going to acknowledge my existence, and dropped me a facebook message. She might be a opera singer, but I think she's okay. I'm pretty excited about our apartment and all, and really just want to hurry the hell up and get down there--because we can't all be out on a cruise whale watching like Owen.
This fall is looking something like:
Monday/ Wednesday:
12-12:50 French 102
2-3:15 Anthropology 101
Tuesday/ Thursday:
9:25-10:40 Education 201
10:50-50-12:05 English 102
(Thursdays 4-6:45pm History 103)