Jun 11, 2008 08:31
Sitting in the FCC library, I am bored out of my mind--and I've only been here about 45 minutes. I suppose that shortly I will actually have to start doing research for a paper I'd like to get started on if not done WAY before I have to do it during next summer's internship. But today I'm here because my car is broken, mom has to work here until ten, and I have an optometrist appointment at 11:30.
My parents have decided that the best way for me to pay for my ungodly expensive housing (we're talking over 7 grand for just housing), is for me to become and RA. Which I do not believe I can do my first semester, but hey, getting my own room next semester sounds like a plan. Besides, It is appearing more and more that I will end up being forced to stay down there at least one extra semester (I'm a semester behind in the education classes, and you can only take those at a certain pace because of the practicum requirements). Unless I get a scholarship, I will also be paying for that extra semester, which sucks, because I really don't have 28K to spare.
My happy little smiley thing of the day is that my new laptop shipped out today. Meaning, it should arrive sometime late this week, or early next week. Very exciting. Also, the heat wave is supposed to break today, Hallelujah.
Speaking of church phrases, I am pondering the idea of rooming with my Opera-singer churchy suitemate, because she's out a roommate too now. So long as she's fine with Owen being there for awhile during his break, I'm cool with anything she can throw at me.
Speaking of which, I'm going to go ponder floor-plans of our dorm and figure out which of our rooms I would like to be in more. Mwohahaha.