Wow--just got back from a counselors meeting. For a few years now, my psychologist mother has been harping on me to get my ADD diagnosed.
It's been fun throwing it around as a half baked excuse for things--but I don't think I ever really believed I had it. Just--everything that characterizes it sounds exactly excuse.
I took the screen tests and today, she told me that there are some really strong indicators of ADD that showed up in my answers. I'm currently expecting a call this week from some government office, telling me the name of the psychologist I'm going to see--and when I'm going to see them.
It'll be a little bizarre having an official "learning disability" in my records :/ considering I graduated from high school with honors (despite going through a little hell). At the same time, if I do get the diagnosis, it'll be a relief to know that I'm not just lazy an unmotivated with it comes to daily tasks and holding down a job in customer service...
I talked to her about work ethic and ADD today--she urged me to find a job that I could really enjoy--otherwise, I'm in for oodles of hair pulling frustration.
I enjoy doing art...There are not a lot of jobs that allow me to do that without some kind of post secondary diploma and a kick-ass portfolio.
But I try :9 I'd love to work as an artist. Since drawing is all I really ever want to do.
anyways, here's a sketch of the latest image I am working on:
it's Yoon :]
Best get use to her and Bird--because I have a strong feeling we'll be seeing a lot of them once third year comes along.
in other news
Loish freaking rocks: