TV Recap: Maybe we owe it to those who didn't to become the best of mankind.

Jun 28, 2011 10:47

Falling Skies (s01e03): Prisoner of War *** The ragtag crew has a few nightmarish encounters with skitters and mechs, all brought on by their own doing. Meanwhile, a doctor who shares a history with Tom arrives at camp, and he may hold the key to saving the kids who've been abducted by aliens. Dun, dun, dun.

Sadly, I'm still not finding this show as compelling as I'd hoped. I think this week was better than the two hour premiere, but it still has a ways to go before it becomes something to talk about.

Those controlling alien babies still remind me of BtVS' Bezoars from 'Bad Eggs' every week. They look like them, they act like them, and they control like them. Only thing, these aliens are a bit more freaky, and made even worse when they kill a bunch of kids to send a message.

My favorite part of the episode has to be Tom's fight with the alien and then dragging him back as a hostage. I loved the way everyone just backed away and let him through. I mean, who wants to get close to that thing? And bringing it to where they live? Big mistake.

I spent most of the episode going, 'Yeah, that sucks." or "This doesn't look good." There's just fail after fail happening, and most of it they bring on themselves with a lot of contrived conflict in this show. That father running out to get his son? What, a, moron. I guess war makes people do the wacky, the crazy wacky.

For instance, the new doctor guy who last saw Tom's wife alive. I know everyone's carrying a lot of guilt for the decisions during and since the alien attack, but saying he survived to save everyone else is a bit much. His statement becomes even more amusing when the boy he unhitched and the alien they're holding hostage come awake at the same time at the end. It doesn't seem as if his plan to save the boy worked...

I don't like how John Pope was relegated to a funny side story. It was amusing to learn he's certified in culinary arts, but aren't they worried he'll poison them?

Sure, this isn't quality AMC, or HBO, or whatever, but I'm still enjoying the ride for now.

fandom: tv, fandom: tv: falling skies

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