Jan 23, 2009 13:46
Just returned a little while ago after getting the Ingredients for the Saurian Brandy, and have noticed a DRAMATIC Change since the last Batch I made....around November
The Ingredients, as I mentioned in the last Post, are:
Vodka (preferably 100 Proof (50%), but alas, that's not Available here in Australia, and so the best that I can get is ABSOLUT, which is 80 Proof (40%))
Oranges (for a Tincture that is made from the Rind)
Maple Syrup
Vodka, depending on where you get it from (usually Dan Murphy's in my case) can often Fluctuate in Price, and generally only gets Discounted if there's a Special on, or you're getting Multiples of 6 at a time
Sugar and Oranges also tend to Fluctuate in Price
Maple Syrup, not actually being Native to Australia (we don't even grow the Maple Tree out here that I know of, which would DRASTICALLY Reduce the Price of it), means (naturally) that it has to be Imported from Canada, which naturally, adds to the Cost of it :-(
Found out today that the Brand that I normally get (STEVES at about $5 for 250ml) is no longer Available (at least, not at my Local Safeway in Q.V.), and the other two Brands CAMP and QUEEN have gone up in Price, from about $7.50 to $10 for 250ml)
What this means is that, what I use for Future Batches may well depend on what I can Afford at the time
Naturally, when I can Afford to do so, I will be using the Maple Syrup....but....when you make as much of it as I tend to do, it kinda all adds up, and so, I may well start 'Experimenting' with the 'Maple Flavoured' Syrup, and see how that one works out as far as Taste is concerned
I had a brief Chat to one of the Staff that's been here for awhile about the New Staff....
"Which one are you Interested in?", was her first Comment
I didn't answer that one (yet), but made a Comment that one of them seems to have a bit of an Attitude Problem
"Oh, she's like that with everyone"
Well, all I can say is that I hope that she soon gets out of the habit of doing that, otherwise she's likely to get a few Complaints
saurian brandy,
drink mixing