May 03, 2013 16:43
Let's see....
Well, FHG #2's Dog arrived yesterday afternoon, and is a Black Female Staffy....
To try and eliminate at least *some* confusion, I'll continue to refer to Rent Guy's Dog here as 'Dog', and FHG #2, Dog as 'Dawg' :-)
When Other Guy got home, he was *not* happy!!
I've already mentioned what he thinks of Dogs, and he was like, "That's not staying inside....take it outside at once"
This, when FHG #2 had just walked in the door and before she had a chance to do anything, and Other Guy even went as far as to call Rent Guy about it, and said pretty much the same thing to the extent that, when Rent Guy got home a couple of hours later, he went off at me because he presumed I had the same Attitude as Other Guy about it
Prior to that, though, FHG #2 went for a walk and took Dawg with her until Rent Guy got home
In the meantime, it looks as though Other Guy is displaying the "I'm gonna take my Bat and Ball and go home" attitude....
A few days ago, I noticed that the T.V. didn't seem to be working....turns out that it was just a Switch on the bottom corner (actually under it), and I don't know whether Other Guy turned that off on purpose or not
Yesterday, I noticed that the Remote went missing, and last night, so was the T.V. itself
I've since been told by FHG #2 that Other Guy took it in to his Room, and so, I can only presume it was he that also took the Remote as well....even though I had a look in his Room and couldn't find it, but, he may well have hidden it so that I couldn't
I've also since been told that Rent Guy will be 'having a talk' with Other Guy when he gets home tonight, and may well be telling him to go
Good riddance, if this is going to be any example
In the meantime, Dog has been introduced to Dawg, and they *seem* to be getting along okay....
They've been playing together today, but, somewhat roughly from what I've seen....bearing in mind that Dog is probably at least three times the size of Dawg
Not looking forward to a confrontation with Other Guy, but, I'll most likely be in my Room when he gets home anyway
At least *this* time, I doubt very much that Other Guy will be inviting me to share a place with him like he did a few days after Dog arrived back in September
And, of course, as I didn't take him up on the offer back then (even before he started up with this "I'm going to charge you Rent for using my T.V." B.S.), nor would I be doing so now
Well, we'll see what happens there, I guess
female house guest #2,
other guy,
rent guy