Jul 22, 2011 18:02
Well, I just reached the 2/3 Mark in this Transcribing :-D
Which means that I just have 77 Pages left to do :-)
For what it's worth....despite how long it's taking me, I'm glad that I decided to do this, as, not only will it be nice to have a copy in my Library in the first place, but also one that I can keep on File, which may well be more useful....especially as a lot of Books (and Movies, for that matter) are being released just as E-Books (or Downloads, in the case of Movies)
Along the way, I've Learned quite a bit about my Family that I hadn't known about before....specifically about the Family Mansions that we've had over the past....600 years or so
Ones mentioned in this Book (so far, at least), are:
Mostyn Hall
Gloddaeth Hall
Bodysgallen Hall
Cilcain Hall
Through other Research, I also know that there has been:
Plas Newedd (two of them, actually)
Talacre Hall
Calcot Hall
As to what happened to them all....for the most part, I don't know, sadly :-(
Calcot Hall....my Ancestor, Henry Mostyn, bought that in 1595, and my Family stayed there until the mid 1800s....I know that much because one of my Ancestors, Harry Porter Mostyn, came out in 1847 or thereabouts, and I have Information that his Father, Robert John Mostyn, had moved to another place by c1852
It was altered c1910, and was eventually demolished in the 1970s :-(
Talacre Hall....Piers Mostyn, Henry's Father, had the Hall, which was for the Catholic Branch of my Family....I don't know how he got it though. It was re-built c1830 into the form that it's in today, and was donated to the Catholic Nuns c1910 or thereabouts, when the Mostyns moved to Oxford, and it thus became Talacre Abbey until some 20 years ago when it went back into Private hands
Last I heard, it was up for Rental a couple of years ago
Mostyn Hall (Protestant, or C.O.E. Branch)....Richard ap Howell acquired it by Marriage to Angharad....their Children were the first to assume the Surname of Mostyn
Along the way, though, most of the contents have had to be sold to pay the Death Taxes, and, while it's still in the hands of my 'Family', none of them currently live there as far as I know
I was there almost 11 years ago, some four months after the Lord Mostyn at the time had died, and the word was that his son, the current Lord Mostyn, wants nothing to do with the place, and is still living contently in London....to the effect that a new Lord of Mostyn had to be created....Lord Williams of Mostyn....who has since died as well
As far as I know, the plan is to keep it in Trust for the son of the current Lord Mostyn
These ones I knew about before starting on this Book
The rest, though, I know only because I've done a small amount of Searching on them
Gloddaeth Hall, for example....once one of the Palaces for the King of Wales, is now a College....St. David's
The others....all I've managed to find so far is just some brief reference here and there, but, I'm still looking as I can :-)
All in all, it's starting to feel like an Episode of Who Do You Think You Are? But without the Big Budget that they have :-p
family history,