So I guess the dramatic reveals on the journalnets is the in thing right? It's been weird reading these things, I mean why are there so many freak'n Princesses here?! Next thing you know, we're gonna find out the Big Bad was really Bowser this whole time.--That was a Super Mario Bros reference for all you non modern, alternate universe types. It'
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Rick's world has a supply of enough inappropriate starches and sugars and blue-box macaroni and cheese to keep you well-fed? Or will you be eating him out of house and home there, too?
Dude where we're from? We've taken fast food to a high art. We don't even make our own meals, they come from cartons and tv trays!
Sounds...disgusting. Though I have a student who might enjoy that.
It's heaven. God I can't believe I've survived this long without In-N-Out.
I can't believe you have either. But Toushi might be willing to help you with that.
Oh snap. You did NOT just pervert In-N-Out, the best burger joint in California!! DUDE WRONG. DON'T MESS WITH MY DOUBLE DOUBLES!
Does everything to do with this restaurant have innuendo potential?
Well. I guess its milkshakes does bring all the boys to the drive-thru.
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