20. So long and thanks for all the fish

Oct 26, 2011 16:20

So I guess the dramatic reveals on the journalnets is the in thing right? It's been weird reading these things, I mean why are there so many freak'n Princesses here?! Next thing you know, we're gonna find out the Big Bad was really Bowser this whole time.--That was a Super Mario Bros reference for all you non modern, alternate universe types. It's a video game back home. Figures I finally get the context of the jokes I've been making this entire time and everybody is leaving.--

Yeah. So.

I had a long conversation with Rick the other day and I’ve decided I’m going to be going with him. To his world. Castleverse. Rickworld? Rick roll? Just in case anyone wondered or cared.

[There’s a long pause]

Also just in case this really is goodbye and there’s no way back I just gotta say this. Years ago I made a really big mistake. Well more of a series of mistakes that could happen to anyone with an IQ on par with Einstein if Einstein had filled his brain with an advanced medical degree, leet hacker skills and two decades of really bad 1970s scifi films, internet memes, lolcats and Nintendo. Seriously my world is messed up. But ah--my point is, that until I was brought here? I had no idea I had made this mistake. I thought--I thought I had a dream job, a perfect life.

I was a fool.

I h-hurt people. A lot of people. I didn’t mean to and at some sick pathetic level I thought I was actually helping them--but I wasn’t. I was lying to myself. I was lied to. If I could go back and change everything I would, in a heartbeat. But the mistake--mistakes--I made? They’re bigger than me and after two years I don’t even know if I could go back to my world without getting shot in the back by Rossum. That’s what my mistake is called. The Rossum Corporation. The Dollhouse. They don’t take kindly to people who run away from the corporation, even if said person was really just a figment of a--you know what? We’re not going there.

Look, if any of you really want to know my backstory, I’ll tell you. I owe you. Especially you, Toushi.

I don’t even know why I’m writing any of this except for the fact that I owe everyone and this place so much. For...helping me to be my best. Frankly, the fact that I’m thanking the freak’n Tree is actually the most painful thing I’ve written. But it’s true. I am a different person and I want to believe a better one. ...This is getting TMI isn't it. I mean that's the whole point of these entries but I've never understood the whole Internet Confessional genre, PostSecrets or reality tv. I'm gonna stop myself right here. T_T

So I’m going back with Rick because I don’t know how to go home and fix the mess I’ve made. But I’m going to figure it out. Going to keep figuring myself out. And if this is the last time I’ll see any of you I want you to know that you’ve been more like a family to me than my real one. I ah--Thank you.

Oh yeah. My real name is Christopher Francis Brink but don’t you dare call me that. I think Genius is wayyy cooler.

Topher will do too.

fuck yeah rick roll joke, good ending unlocked, not the bad man, thank you, fuck you joss, possibly needs an lj cut

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