This is the letter I sent to my trans friends and lists a few days ago, before I went to the Endo. (opens in a new window)
And this is the letter I sent my trans friends and lists when I got home from the Endo trip. (also opens in a new window)
So this is the best way for me to throw at you what I've been up to since last update. My endo trip went great. I finally have my T.
So I took the prescriptions, mailed them to
Strohecker's Pharmacy and my Testosterone Cypionate will be here shortly. Well before I have need for it anyway.
Well... need to inject it. I wouldn't mind having it right now to put in a drawer and gaze at fondly from time to time. ^-^\/ jk
But honestly, what can I say? Life in general goes on. Life hasn't changed much yet from the T. I'm happy ... I know its started... I know any day I may begin to see my body changing slowly right before my eyes... but I know it will be slow and tedious... I know I will get impatient before its over... I feel my needs already shifting.
Dani Richard was the first MtF lady I had the pleasure of meeting. My psychologist,
Dr. Tamara Pellant, put me in contact with her during my very first therapy session, getting her on the phone and introducing us briefly. Dani is a warm and helpful lady with a lot of heart. She offered support and an open ear all the time. I was very glad to have met her.
Now that Dani has been introduced to you all, I will continue to say that Dani told me something very interesting when I met her for lunch a few weeks ago. She said to keep track of how my needs would cycle. She told me to think about it... the need initially was for dressing male... then I had to have therapy... within a month I got that... then I /had/ to have T.... I may be fine with this for now... and then eventually I'll want chest surgery.
(Not to say I'm not content right now. I am. Its hard to explain. I wish I could remember how Dani put it exactly. >.< She's smart! )
To keep up with this pattern of times when I'm /okay/ with myself and happy and times when I /need/ something is very important, she told me. Because by watching that pattern I can keep better track of myself and judge how things will go for me in my transition better. Dani is a very smart lady.
I'm also in need of a calendar. I mean to make one or buy a pretty one... to keep up with my injection dates and any other significant changes that occur during my days... periods would probably be a good one. Just for a month or two tho ^-^ *cheer*!
I have a bazillion pictures to set up. I'm gonna set my site up then batch rename all these dudes and make it all nice and spiffy... I hope. Anyway I'll try not to make it /too/ much of a pain to navigate them... I think I'll make two pages. One with links to all of them, and another with all of them just plopped down so those with fast connections like me can just go view them all without having to click through pages on pages, darnit!
Atlanta is evil by the way. I'd never want to live there and all that.
For now tho, this is all... I'm happy. I'm edging toward telling my family...
I'm alive.
Dear World,
Are you glad you came this far? Will you journey with me onward?
I hope you enjoy the ride.
-Arsiei Eiland-