(no subject)

Jun 29, 2004 13:31

Hey guys,

Today was my first at-home shot. Just finished it a minute ago. My husband, Eric, gave it to me. He did great. I was really nervous about him giving me the shot because he's never done it before (of course) but he did fine! He didn't hurt me sticking it in and he remembered everything the nurse said... no blood came up in the injection site, he aerated the syringe and then injected the T. I watched. It was beautiful... This is something he has helped me with that will make such a huge difference in my life and I'm so happy about it... so proud to have him by my side and supporting me. Emotionally speaking, I'm doing great. Every day is so wonderful... I'm really happy. I haven't been this happy in a long... long time... if ever. My only worry with the shot today was that when we finished the shot a bit of it oozed back out of the injection site. Any clue on this anyone? We stuck a bandaid on it and I rubbed the excess T from there and from the syringe on my dick. Heard a lot of guys do this for luck and for the hope it will help it grow. Made me feel all shiney anyway .. hehe.

So HERE are the long awaited Pre-T pictures I made on June 14, the day before my Endo appointment. Don't laugh. I'm a chubby, pale white boy. I'm working on it. I have lost 40 pounds since I started Weight Watchers about 3 months ago. I'm doing good in my opinion. And just so you know guys, for those of you who considered Depo-Provera as a good way to say goodbye to Aunt Flo, DON'T. I was on it for the contraceptive purpose for about four months... and gained 100 pounds when I'm not prone to weight gain. During that time I also developed Allergies, Asthma and an astigmatism when I'd never had the former two in my life and had PERFECT vision all my life. Depo has a LOT of side effects they don't tell you about. BAD IDEA. Anyway, The weight is peeling off slowly but surely. No probs. Anyway you can tell from the names of the pics what they're of. I determined I'm most likely to update this site monthly as I said I would if I make it easy for myself. Batch renames are GOOD things... So enjoy the pics. Note: I stopped shaving in July of last year... Pre-T hairgrowth is NOTHING like this. This is simply me taking a long time to let my hairs grow out as they should on my legs and underarms.

This being my second shot, in two more weeks I'll take another set of pics and make a more massive update on all I've felt since the first shot. That will be my first 'comparison' picture set. I really hope this is helping some of ya guys too because its kinda difficult to post pictures of myself. I'm Very Self-Conscious. Very. So no laughing at me kays? And if you're one of my friends and you don't want to see images including portions of my torso... don't open that link. They're all labeled so you could pick and choose... but I don't want any TMI going on here kays? ^_^ Love you all!

Now, Eric is off Yesterday, Today and Tomorow for our anniversary which is July 3 (2 years!! Married anyway.. more like 5 together. ^_^) So I'm outies! We have Things to See... People to do... or whatever the phrase is. *Grins* Ja ne!

-Arsiei- (I stuck with this one.-

PS!!!! BIIIIG PS!!!! I disclosed to my parents. They both took it... decently at first. My mom however has called me since I told her and said things such as "Eric married a woman..." and "Are you SURE???" ... the first one really bugged Eric. Its not her business. If he loves me anyway... she isn't the one that should have a problem with that... But They didnt' disown me or insist I can't see Jill (yet...) so all is well. Also, I'm drinking Goji Juice now. This shit is good for ya. Check it out. It gives ya tons of energy and is helping my insomnia a bit.

School is okay too. Wrote my essay about Kaius. If anyone wants to read it, let me know. I'll post it on my other journal. LATERS!!!

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