Jun 11, 2005 00:18
so i sit here and one again im sad. a really close friend called me last night and told me that he was seriously thinking about going into the army. that made me realize exactly how i felt about him. i cried all night not knowing what to think about the whole thing. there are just so many issues involved with the way that i feel about it i dont know that i have quite sorted them all out yet. i know that i dont agree with the war. i support the soldiers but not the reasons they are over there fighting for. i believe in freedom and democracy but i dont think that every country is ready for it or ever will be and thats ok. i think its wrong to force it on a country completely unprepared for it in every aspect. the idea is wonderful but will it ever really work?? i know that it is his right to do whatever he wants to but that doesnt mean that i cant be sad about it. i want to support him but i also realize that i dont want to lose him. he is the one who has completely turned my life upside down. i dont even know what to think about how i feel about him. i know that i cried all night last night and didnt sleep and i NEVER have issues sleeping. it is always something that come very easy to me. i just wish that there was something that i could do to change his mind. i already have friends over there that im scared for. i just wish i believed in the reasons for why they were over there maybe that would make it easier to be supportive. i only hope that everything works out as it should and if that means he is supposed to go over there then that is the way it is supposed to be. i just wish that one day the world could be at peace and crazy over stuffed americans stop feeling like their way is the best way for everybody. what is good for the few isnt always good for the whole. i guess i just have to wait and see how the whole thing shakes out.
until then...