Going to sub half a day today

May 10, 2006 09:59

I seem to be over the worse of the respitory infection I had last week and it's a kindergarden class. My back is still sore from the errands I did yesterday, but I'm not totally wiped out and the weather looks okay, though I can hear it's windy.

Sending off for two more transcripts today. The college I'm trying to get my art credits from has a hard time sharing between their departments. Their transcript office is also over three weeks behind in scanning the ones they do have. I was told yesterday that it would actually be quicker for me to ask for another copy of my transcripts and have them sent straight to the financial aid office. And actually, they wanted me to keep coming from the other side of town to make sure everything got where it's supposed to. Someone must get gas subsidies or something.

I don't know why community colleges are always so inconsiderate and difficult. I don't get nonsense like this when I deal with a full-fledged university. The other community college I went to many years ago had an office worker that would actually screw up your stuff on purpose if you were an engineering student. I was warned about this by my advisor of all people. And sure enough, I got the woman. She was very nice and personable until she read down to the part where I had declared my "major" as engineering science. (I had moved back to Dallas and at that time, there wasn't a nearby university offering chemical engineering, so I was taking what I was told would transfer back to Texas Texch.) As soon as she read that part, her face literally twisted into a snarl.

Forewarned, I asked her if there was something wrong. She was rather rude to me and then tried to tell me my English credit didn't count because I was awarded it because of my ACT scores, instead of a class or a CLEP test. I looked at her and stated, "I received that from a nationally accreditted STATE university. There is no way I am going to believe that it's not acceptable for a TWO YEAR community college." She insisted that they had the right to refuse any credit they wanted to, until I told her that if they did, I would take it up with her boss, the Dean, and the State Accreditation Board, if I had to.

Needless to say, she backed down. Though I still think my advisor had to throw in his weight too. The whole situation becomes even more ridiculous when you realized that most of the even classes were filled with employees from Texas Instruments and other high tech companies and the engineering program had one of the highest enrollments.

I'm not saying that I didn't come across a difficult office worker at Texas Tech or even one that tried my patience at Southern Nazarene, but none of the workers at those institutions showed the level of unprofessionalism I have faced when enrolling in a community college.

college, health, rant

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