hello hello

Jan 12, 2009 17:25

Things have been good... just slow.  School starts up again this Saturday.  That's good, 'cause I've been feeling rather uninspired lately in the world of creativity.  I'm now jonesing for a tattoo.  I watched Lukas give himself one last night.  It was amazing... he's never touched a tattoo gun before.  I swear that boy was meant to do this.  Its a big cock-roach on his inner forearm.  I think it's going to say die-hard under it later on... its so Lukas!  I'm now brainstorming for mine...  I want some big ones.

Well in the news of not touching my fucking hair... I still haven't touched it.. yay Erin!  We are talking a good 3.5 inches of a non-descript light brown color & near white for the rest.  My goal is length and health so don't be surprised if you see more bleach or fluorescent color after it grows!  I need long hair and professional help with dyes.  I can DIY the rest of me.. but I need long locks!

After 50 pounds of weight loss, I get to buy myself a leather jacket!  Just 47 lbs to go!  I'm lovin the oatmeal and back pain... but its a small price to pay... I suppose I should wait on a couple of the tattoos (perhaps arms)  cause I know that shit looks bad after weight gain... does it look funny when you're thinner?  I'm sure I could  google that.  duh!

Anyway.. this Saturday Lukas is hanging art at a bar on Alberta and twenty something so we're trying to put together a little shindig. I'll get back later w/ name and add.   AAAANNDDD Eva's b-day party will be Sunday at Hollywood Bowl on Halsey  I have to find out about the time, but it will probably be around 1pm.

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