Boo hoo, hee hee

Oct 13, 2008 03:58

At "work" right now.  I am lucky to have the most laid-back job ever.   I like to be busy, so I can work on my own projects when we're not.  I sold another baby quilt today!  Now I'm 45 bucks richer.  Yay for supplemental income.

Met with a lady from NAYA today (a native home-buying counselor)  We have to start pretending that we're making a 1200 dollar house payment, so we wont go into shock when we're actually required to do so.  I asked if she was insane, but she's convinced we can pull it off on Lukas' income alone.

Thats just gonna have to wait for a few weeks since LuLu dislocated his elbow again yesterday (skate or die).  Aside from that, he's got to get a credit card (its cute how reluctant he is!)  I need to start paying back my loans, and she suggested that I apply for disability... the thought had crossed my mind before...but I have mixed feelings on the subject.  Maybe I'm just being too hard on myself as usual.

Kids are doing great... they're freaking huge.  Jett loves his pre-school.  I'm a little jealous, but thats alright.  I like my class.  Its different than regular college, cause everyone is creative and nice, and I get to sew for 8 hours with no interrrrruptions!  Its all pretty simple, and I feel so much more confidant in my skills already.  Just wish I had more time and more money so I could immerse myself in the program.

We got to watch Elliot today!  I knew that Kat and Ben were going to have a cute baby, but this is just ridiculous!  He's like screaming shrieking happy.  Great, just what this world needs another painfully handsome brown-eyed heart breaker.

Hope all are well, and David, if you EVER come to Portland, look me up! I miss you terribly!
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