Oct 13, 2009 15:35
People, in many different internet forums, i've noted, immediately call someone a troll if they disagree with them. I find that a funny thing. No one likes being called a troll, especially when their intent was definitely NOT to rile up someone, as is the definition of troll according to wikipedia. It is actually quite frusttrating when you're looking for help and instead are accused to being a troll because you've transgressed some sort of unspoken rule. I'm a likable not so controversial person who doesn't like fights, and yet today was not the first time I was accused to being a troll...
And on another note, but also relating to internet drama...
Al tadin es chavercha ad shetagiya limkomo. And its similar english phrase "Don't judge someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes."
I can be judgmental at times. Who isn't? I recall myself seeing people do certain things and then telling myself "I'd never do that..." only to find myself in a similar situation and doing even worse things than the actions I admonished at first.
Its so easy to judge someone when you're not them. When you see someone else doing something that doesnt sit well with you, it doesnt matter how many reasons and rationalizations they give you to explain their behavior, you'll still see them as being wrong. Yet the second its you that people are judging harshly, you say "But wait, I have good reasons for doing this!" and expect everyone to understand. Guess thats human nature- we condemn others but condone ourselves for doing the same.
Maybe we (myself included) need to internalize that the same way we want other people to understand our very good reasons when we do something not run of the mill and perhaps not the best solution to a problem, we should try to see things from other peoples perspective and not judge them so harshly even for seemingly condemnable behaviors, for who knows, we might act worse would we be in the same set of circumstances. An outsider looking in can never see the complete picture, and with pieces missing from the puzzle, who can objectively decide if a picture is beautiful or ugly?
And as a last note- take it easy on post partum women. They get ticked off and emotionally charged and weepy way too easily.