Two recent dreams that I wanted to post about.
1. I dreamt that I got an email from a former coworker from ages ago, whom I had quite the crush on for a while (ugh, coworker crushes are teh suck). In the dream, apparently I was a private investigator and he was emailing to ask for my help with some kind of crisis in his personal life. But he added a sentence at the end which, I can't remember exactly how it was phrased but the gist of it was strongly implying, without actually saying, that he knew I had had this crush and wanted to know whether it was going to be a problem with our business relationship. And so in the dream I was mortified, of course, that he even knew about it, let alone would mention it, however obliquely. LOL. Where the heck did that come from?
2. (Backstory) Last fall/winter Isaac befriended this kid from his preschool and I befriended the parents and we hung out a few times. Then the kid and mom moved back to their native Hawaii so she could finish her master's degree. Well, a week or two ago I noticed Hi'ia's name on the whiteboard at preschool, so I asked Isaac if he was back and Isaac said yes. Then the other day I was dropping Isaac off and I saw Hi'ia's mom go by, and she gave me a big smile and a wave and yelled that we should get together and I yelled back yes we should (I was in the car and she was in the preschool doorway, hence the yelling, lol) and she yelled that she still has the same email address so I yelled that I would email her. And then that night I had a dream that we all got together, and Hi'ia looked about three years older than he did last December, lol, and he told me that his mom was having another baby and she confirmed that it was true.
I think that if/when we do get together in real life, I shall refrain from telling her about this dream. ;) Unless she actually does tell me that she's pregnant again, in which case maybe I'll quit my job and go back to reading Tarot. ;)