Linc, proffering a tiny item: What's this? Bill: Looks like a little piece of plastic, maybe a broken Lego. Where did you find it? Linc: Downstairs. Bill: Where downstairs? Linc, thinking a moment: By the cat. (we crack up) Bill: And where was the cat? Linc, getting exasperated with us now: In front of the plastic!
Linc's official fifth birthday party was today, at the gym where Clay does parkour. We had a blast; Bill's cake was a huge hit (he made the marshmallows and candy "blocks" himself, in addition to the very yummy cake). Here's some pics from the party. Thanks, everyone, for coming to help us celebrate our boy's big day!
We woke up to about four inches of snow Saturday morning, and another couple inches came down in the next few hours. We all went out to play, and I got a few photos.