Jun 17, 2007 23:27
so, several years ago my sister told me something that she did that (a) i thought she was crazy for doing and (b) i thought she was even crazier for how she felt after the eventual outcome. that's my sister's story, but i feel okay telling it here since i think i've probably told most of the folk who read this and have met my sister.
for a week, my sister was a stripper. this was during that phase she was going through where she worked at inserection and we weren't totally sure that she was sane anymore. so for a week, my sister stripped. she ended up being fired by the 'head stripper' lady (there's apparently a heirarchy of sorts at this particular strip joint...i don't know). she was fired for 'not meeting the body standards of teh rest of the girls'. my sister tells me this and i'm like 'holy shit, what did you do? that's awful.' and my sister, god bless her, was like 'i feel great! ebcause i got better tips than any of those girls who had been there for years. men love my body, i loev my body, it's awesome.'
i didn't get it. at all. but...
so i'm pretty stoked about doing brawl this year, in case you didn't already know. damn, but it's fun. and last year, for me, it wasn't so fun. i felt like i was working, a lot, and not getting what i wanted out of the format or my character or myself. which happens. this year, not so much. not only do i feel like i haev a solid character, but i also have a fun character. in fact, i heart little bunny f-you. and i understand how to manipulate the format and i just...yeah...i feel like i'm doing really well this time around.
well, this past brawl was the pay per view. if you're unfamilliar, in 'real' wrestling, the ppv is when all the crazy shit happens that they build up to in the regular shows. in fact, mad magazine's most recent issue had a little thing on the wwe ppv. it was funny to me. i'm a dork.
ppv. had a 'sexy off' planned with feral fawcett. i had the idea, when it was first presented that feral fawcett and little bunny f-you went head to head, that i somehow wanted to end up in a playboy bunny outfit. because, it kind of makes sense - i had lbfu start as a little rabbit/girl with a foul mouth, have her 'grow up' and then end up still dirty, but not necessarily foul. and still a bunny. i.e. playboy bunny.
last weekend, i went fucking everywhere to find a playboy bunny or playboy bunny-esque get-up for the damn brawl. ding dang it. that's a whole nother story, which is actually pretty amusing, but i digress. finally found something that worked and was cheap-ish to throw together. nice.
in teh sexy off...we had three parts: 1 sing a little song. my song, not so good. but that's fine because ff's was awesome, and since i'm a 'face' i got the crowd on my side. 2. dance/strip tease. let me explain feral fawcett's outfit...it's basically long underwear with fur patches all over it. and then my friend jenny (who plays the ff) puts on a bikini or some underwears over it. it's pretty awesome, actually. so ff just took of her underwears. to the nine inch nails song 'closer'. it was pretty awesome, especially since the butt of the logn underwears is a giant nasty asshole. i did a full-on striptease. to sexyback. and then (3) talent competition where ff humped an audience member and i felated a carrot, then bit it...i lost...automatic dq for biting off the fake penis.
anyway...abuot the stripping thing...
i'm not...i'm not big on the whole...being...uhm....naked-ish in front of lots of people. but i will say that i've been playing half naked characters since high school, so it's not huge for me. beyond that, i'm not big on being touched or...hmm...or using sex to do things. if i'm sexy, it's not on purpose, i guess is a good way of putting it.
but i tell you what...i'm not about to go strippin' or try and get in with the dames a flame or anything...but...
i feel great.
seriously. i feel amazing. that may have been the most liberating thing i've ever done. and i've been a feminist since....always. but i had control of the situation, i got to be funny and hot, and, And i progressed a story line. and you know, i;m still only as objectified as i want to be, so there. i totally get how my sister felt. i told her (away from my parents) today what happened in the show. she was proud. and i mean, i didn't actually show anything. i'm not...uh...no... but she was really happy for me. kinda sick, that...
and so here we are...6 months into the 'year of eve doing stupid things' and this is by far the stupidest thing i've done all year, and it feels good. and i don't know that i'll ever do it again...but damn. i'm glad i did.