May 16, 2010 02:29
Tout le monde.
This is my last entry in Paris. Will probably be my last one for a least until I feel the need to express my angst-ier side from time to time.
My last day in Paris was spent mostly by myself. But that's the way I like it. Actually, I've been alone a lot the last couple of days. Self-reflection time or what not.
I visited some graves. Some heros, some heroines. I find it suiting that crypts are naturally need something to send shivers down your spine. A block of marble with a name engraved in it sure doesn't. Maybe if you could touch it....
I looked for Baudelaire for an hour. Walked right past him three times because a women was pruning the tombstone next to it. I wanted to give her space, peace, and not encroach on something much more serious than my touristy ambitions that day.
In honor of my little visit today...a little line on Paris who's gripping me hard right now.
Il était tard ; ainsi qu'une médaille neuve la pleine lune s'étalait, et la solennité de la nuit, comme un fleuve sur Paris dormant ruisselait.
It is late ; like a new medal, the full moon sprawling, and the solemnity of the night, like a river streaming over sleeping Paris.
Probably a terrible translation, did it myself. Ah well. I've got loads of learning to do.