Hide the kids, it's chapter 8!!

Jan 15, 2007 00:00

From the wonderful, fun and quite insatiable Queenb23.


Put an X in the ones you do then add it up and that's your age!

[] I know how to make a pot of coffee
[x] I do my own laundry
[x] I can cook for myself
[x] I actually enjoy intellectual conversations.
[x] I think politics are exciting.
[ ] My parents and grandparents have better things to say than my friends
Total: 4

[x] I show up for school and or work every day unless I'm sick
[] I always carry a pen in my pocket/purse.
[ ] I've never gotten a detention
[ ] I've watched talk shows to point out the credibility of it all
[x] I know what credibility means without looking it up
[x] I drink coffee at least once a week.
Total: 3

[x] I know how to run the dish washer and or do the dishes
[] I can count to 10 in Spanish
[x] When I say I'm going to do something I do it
[x] My parents trust me
[x] I can mow the lawn
[x] I can make adults laugh without being stupid
[] I remember to water my plants
[x] I study when I have to
[x] I pay attention at school
[x] I remember to feed my pets
Total: 8

[x] I can spell experience without looking it up
[x] I clean up my own mess
[x] The first thing I do when I wake up is get a cup of coffee
[] I can go to the store without getting something I don't need.
[x] I understand jokes the first time they are said
[x] I can type fast.
Total: 5

[x] I have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour.
[ ] I can look at someone hot without thinking of sex. (Me neither QueenB. Me Neither.)
[x] I realize that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job.
[x] I can read a book and actually finish it
Total: 3

Total Score 23. Twenty Three was a good year for me. I wouldn't mind being 23 again.

So today my new Beta Willow_Wand notified me that my story "Second Chance..." should probably be moved to a new rating of NC/17. Gasp! Shock! Horror!. This dawned on Willow while she was reading chapter 8 of my story. (She was also enjoying a footrub by the massage therapist that she has hired and whose bills she is sending to me for and I quote "Beta Services Rendered." When I tried to point out that she hadn't exactly beta'd anything yet, she quipped that just the mere presence of her name near the title gave the story instant credibility and that she expected to be compensated. So fine. I hope you enjoy the massage therapist. Don't complain however that she's Swedish, six foot and has pnuematic breasts and prone to displays of nudity. They were all out of "Hot Charlie Weasley" types when I called.)

Anyways, upon further review by myself, I found that Chapter 8 of my story has a lot of bad language. My O.C "Ned" uses a very colourful description of a dragon's private anatomy as a curse. I like to thank Jennifer for realising that perhaps all this blue language may pose a problem for the website in the future and steps should be taken to retify this. I am sad in a way because this means that no doubt the # of hits/reviews that I get for this story will drop. It's hard enough writing a h/g story on a r/hr website where the emphasis in the story is not so much on romance but on adventure and mystery, but to make it nc/17 that just might be asking too much. On the other hand, lets face it most kids aren't going to be interested in this story anyways.

I think given the complexity of the story, the gaps in between updating and the main ship, the amount of reviews I have gotten has been great. But this still feels like a step backward because when I proposed this story to the council I said that my goal is to write a story that can be viewed by the most people possible. I didn't plan on writing dialogue that would merit an NC17 rating. Nor was I trying to push the envelope and "beat the censors" or anything. I just didn't realise at the time that maybe I should cut down the amount of "F" words my characters use. But as I told Willow, the story is the story. It stands by itself and it doesn't need me to stand at it's side and try to change it. Jennifer and I both agree that the swearing isn't really a big part of the story, so to go back and edit the story with the intentions of keeping it "R" rated would be a disservice to everyone. Bah....it's a love story about murderers, blackmailers, bank robbers and more...if you can't drop an f-bomb every now and then, when can you? :-)

Things on my list of things to do list for tommorow:

1. Pay my rent. :(
2. Go to the office of one of my clients who is a doctor and get him to create a new pair of orthotics for me. (Yeah, I know. I sound like I'm 65 wearing orthotic insoles but I have flat feet and I like to play sports so I need them.)
3. Sleep in. Something I haven't been able to do all week.
4. Write something, anything in my H/G Ficafest story. I got to finish it by the end of this week so I can Con ask a kind soul to beta it in time to enter it in by the end of this month.
5. Help Auds out with her movie quote story. Auds let me know if you want to do anything tommorow. I'll be home most of the day to help you out.
6. Seeing as it is past midnight I might as well wish Red Sioda a Happy Birthday. I wanted to write something for you and present it to you tommorow, but I really have no ideas on what to do. Sure I could write a wonderful tale of how Charlie Weasley and you climb up Mount Royale and have a wonderful breakfast while the sun rises over the city. But you know Red, I just don't know what would happen after breakfast. ;-) and I couldn't just leave the story like that now could I. So I hope you accept this as your birthday greetings from me.
7. Find pictures of attractive naked women to post during the next checkmated chat. What you don't think I'll be prepared the next time those "French Rugby Players" make an appearence? Yeah right. ha. :-P

Oh, one last thing fliters....if any of you watch the tv show 24, and if you wish to post anything about that show on LJ, can you please put a spoiler warning? I won't be watching the show as it airs so I'm hoping not to get any spoilers. Please? Thanks.

television, hp, writing

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