I just finished my first quarter review. I think it went well. I heard everything I thought I would. Draw my people, less manga stuff. I personally don't see my stuff as overly mangaesque. But I own so many that I can't see to many similarities, but I know what all the styles look like. But I still think it went well :)
But you have all of these students, all these high and mighty kids who think everything they do is perfect. And then they get told "you need to work on this." they seem to translate that into "you suck." instead of "your on the right track, keep it up! But doing this would help you further yourself." yup. It must suck when you get advice, cause you know that advice hurts you. XE Reeeaaaalllly? You can't take it for what it is? You have to take it as an insult? *sigh* Children.
But I met Jack finally. He seems pretty cool, rather nice.
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