Jul 31, 2007 20:45
So, after another five hours in the car, I'm finally home. Unfortunately, now my internet isn't working. My dad says it's something with the router and the wireless internet, and the only computer in the house with working internet is my sister's, which I am using right now. Luckily she's at Brinmar till Saturday and hopefully by then whatever the problem is will be resolved, so she'll never have to know I was even in her room. :D
Anyway, visited Wesleyan today! It's a beautiful campus, but not nearly as stunning as Middlebury. Like every other campus I've visited, they're doing a ton of construction, so our tour guide had to keep skirting around bulldozers and pointing vaguely at buildings in the distance since we couldn't get close. A lot of the buildings were pretty, but I found some of them really unattractive - the theatre and arts buildings looked like big piles of cinderblocks (stupid 1970s architecture). Afterwards I was feeling kind meh about the school, but then I had my interview and my interviewer was a student at Wesleyan. The way he talked about the school, especially the people, got me really excited about it and now I'm thinking of coming back in the fall for a sleepover to determine whether I can really see myself there.
And in regards to Middlebury...I dunno, suddenly I'm feeling way less apprehensive about it. Yes, it's still in the middle of nowhere, but from the stories I've heard the student body makes up for it by organizing really interesting and kooky activities. I mean, they have broomball, hiking excursions, a running a cappella group. Their library is huge with a variety of study carells, big comfy chairs, and an incredible view. They have a blackbox theatre. Plus, you have to see their refectories - they are unbelievable. I feel like you wouldn't even realize how isolated you were during the school year, there's so much going on. And have I mentioned it's gorgeous?
So, as of now, my top-5 college possibilities are:
1. Middlebury
2. Wesleyan
3. Brown
4. Vassar
5. Cornell
Whether I get in to any of these is another matter entirely.