Mar 06, 2014 01:56
In the last year so much of me has changed, stretched, grown, and expanded. I am no longer a full time student and live-out nanny/babysitter. I'm now a college graduate who has a BA in English with which I am a Child Welfare Assistant with the Child Protective Services division of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, and I still babysit on the side. Where I once rented a room in a house some friends rented by the uni, and then stayed in a friend's spare room to get back on my feet, now I'm a full blown on-the-lease co-renter of an apartment with yet another friend in downtown OKC, 3.2 miles from work. Where I was dipping my toes in the vast ocean of penpalling, I am now a support staff member for a penpal group that is nearly 200 strong and quickly growing, many of whom I correspond with regularly.
With these changes, though, I find that much of me is also unchanged, firm, established, and permanent. I am still a big reader. I still craft as much as I can. I still adore my friends and do all I can for them and to be with them. I still miss my family, and once again have the goal of going home for Christmas, as it's been well over 2 years since I've seen most of them. I still have left the largest part of my heart in Ireland, and I miss it more each passing year. I still love to play with words and children, and especially to play with words in front of children to hear their indignant responses to the tease.
So, who am I in the end? I'm Othella, Thellie, The Thellie Kitty, or Malruniel, your pick, and I'm quite glad to make your acquaintance!
intro post,
season 9,
lj idol,
week 0