Hic Sunt Dracones!

Jun 08, 2011 02:31

I completely meant to post this earlier yesterday, but then I worked a couple extra hours, came home, ate and fell asleep in my chair sitting up for 5 hours.  Ah exhaustion...

Anyway, IT'S FINALLY  HERE AND AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC!!  I have been e-published in a fan anthology in honor of Dragon*Con's 25th anniversary this year!

Go, download a copy, and read some awesome essays and stories about D*C and see some amazing pictures!  I am so proud of what Clare has done with our work and the beautiful "fanthology" she has made!!  I am quite honored to be a part of this, and excited to be published in this manner!

Also, she has a fairy tale anthology available on her site as well, and it's well worth the download.

published!, anthology, here there be dragons, dragon con, hic sunt dracones, theliteraryomnivore

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