A few random things from
The Onion, in its last couple of issues, that have amused me greatly (just to pimp the splendifurous site yet again):
"Jimmy Fallon Six Tantalizing Months From Disappearing Forever" (The only bad part of this little headline is the fact that The Onion is a parody newspaper and this will probably not happen)
"All Else Fails"
"Many Americans Still Unsure Whom To Vote Against"
The biggest problem I have with Jimmy Fallon is the fact that he can't keep a straight face during ANY SNL sketch he's in.
Yes, it's pretty damn funny when the cast loses it in a skit. But it's so funny because it doesn't happen often and it's during an incredibly funny one.
With Jimmy, this is not so. He cracks up all the time and probably thinks this is endearing in some way. But it's not. It just shows he's a talentless whore who can't act or tell a joke.
I bought two pairs of capri pants for work, but I'm so short, they look like regular pants.
Sunday afternoon, everyone is leaving for a vacation up in the Catskills. This means I get the house to myself Sunday - Friday (Friday I'll be joining them up there and staying for the weekend). I'm so fucking excited about this.
I can't remember the last time I had a house to myself for more than a couple hours. And this is DAYS!!!
And I get to sleep in their bed!!!!! A BED!! FOR DAYS!!!!
I'm also hoping ... someone comes down to visit me. ::coughTIM, nudgeEV, winkDANSAI::
This weekend is pretty busy. Tomorrow I'm bringing a picnic up to Mass for DanSai and Everton and we're going to go to a park (SWINGS!!) and eat it and hang out and then we're going to see The Terminal. Should be fun.
That night, I'm gonna head back to my cousin's house. Those guys that I hung out with over Memorial Day Weekend. Jason, AJ, Matt, Matt's girlfriend Becky, etc, etc. I don't think AJ will be there this weekend, but you get the point. Just gonna hang out with them until Sunday. No set plans but I'm sure we'll do something interesting and awesome and chatty. Mmmm .. chatty. And we'll listen to a ton of good music, because that's what we do.
Then I have to head back home Sunday evening to take the dog out. Cause everyone will be gone for vacation at that point. I also have to water the plants this week, and make sure both pets stay fed and watered. Easy peasy.
OH! And Monday, which is not part of the weekend, but still filled with more delicious plans, I will head back up to Mass, after work, to have a picnic with Tim (who can't make it to our picnic tomorrow, cause he's got college orientation Friday morning, into Saturday sometime) and then see The Terminal with him and Ev, if he doesn't mind seeing it again. I certainly don't mind, cause it's Tom Hanks. And he's the man.
So, yeah. Exciting stuff!
I was asked by someone yesterday why I won't be going to the family vacation this year. Which I thought was pretty obvious.
See, being pent up in a house, in the middle of the woods, with Diane is not my idea of vacation.
Yeah. Nuff said. I'm sad I'll be missing it. It's usually a great time, because most of the people there are pretty damn cool. And it's away from the stress of day to day life, just relaxing and eating and drinking and reading and playing games. Fairly blissful stuff, there.
Oh well. With things the way they are, I'm not at all regretful. Because the time I just described is a moot point with the Dragon there.
My sister's laying on the guilt and being all sad about my absence, but that's just what sister's do.
24 days
I've been living just to see you smile ... every once in a while ...