Aug 12, 2004 23:30
where do i start? today was a good day..for the most part..
i went to the ortho..i have my last wire on top on and one more bottom left..which is good! then i went to my dad, uncLe, 3 cousins and bry were there..we ate yumm sauce =) then my dad left to go back to work..and everyone pLayed poker..cept me since i dont know how... the peopLe from itaLy were upposed to be there at 2oo then when everyone finished at like 215 they stiLL werent there so everyone left, so did bryan and i didnt get to meet them..but they didnt speak engLish, my gramma thought so..
i came home..kinda bummed around..i was kinda in a unexpLainabLe mood..then i taLked to af and she wanted me to show her my littLe girLs cheer, and she wanted to show me hers, so i met her haLf way and we taLked for a littLe then i came home..and Jack and Tommy came up the hiLL and said hi, then ran away so i decided to go over and say hi, let me teLL you big mistake! it was like 425ish so i went over and started taLking to them..then me and mrs lindy started taLking then the boys wanted to chaLk so i chaLked with them then we pLayed basebaLL and then my mom came outside and was like meL, aLex is on the phone so i left there at 530! i was there for like an bad idea to go there in teh first pLace..
then i came home and got ready for coaching the littLe oneS..that went weLL..they learned more of the cheer, and 2 new sidelines..its hillarous watching them do sidelines.. they are aLL doing diffrent things and different times..there cute though..dee visited =) yay for dee i love her! then aL and me waLked by A to see what they were doing and then we spotted Dees roundoff back tuck..she did awesome! then aL and me rode our bikes home..
then i came home and ate dinner then went to aLpha and omega, what an awesome store! i got two books and a WWJD braclet, they didnt have any fish ones..i need a new one, mines fraying! mm i was just skimming through my books today they look soo good! im gonna start them tomorrow..i read pigman tonight..bLah what a bore..
okay done taLking about my on too other things...
i wish i did things, that i didnt, when i had the chance too i just dont..and like i wish i didnt do things that i makes me have regerts and i dont like it..eer! it just makes me upset with myseLf, and i do not want to stupid things, and things the couLd change something too..eer!
hmm..i've been thinking aLot..when i heLp my friends, it heLps i was heLping rach today, and i was reaLizing so much how much i love my life, and how much God infLuences it and heLps me..and i just never thought, anyone couLd be as powerfuL as He is.
now im just here taLking to evan..he makes me soo happy! i miss him soo much..but i know know know God has pLans, and everything is going to be okay..
I have no cLue how I'd be abLe to get through this without God..and NicoLe and Evan..they are all soo amazing and know how to heLp with anything..i love them aLL so much..
..Trust in Him at aLL times, O peopLe; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge..PsaLm 62:8