ItaLy's visiting..

Aug 12, 2004 10:13

cheer camp is over..for me atLeast..i am sore adn tired from it..but it was okay not the greatest, but not the worst..getting up at like 73o..that sucked.

last night was our first reaL night of coaching..hmm it was kinda crazy..we put the girLs in their weLcome cheer formation, we did sidelines..and stunts..whoa that was kinda weird! my group is erin, karlee,carlie,tori and sam..sam is a bit attached but yet weird at the same time! i was tying someones shoe and she gets on my back and im like please get off she gets off then gets back on group kinda got their thigh stand..the backspot is a littLe in her own worLd but she gets it most of the time..i gotta heLp her a littLe though..then since they were good they got starbursts and we showed them the there gonna have fun learning it..i think we are gonna dtive ourseLves insane teaching it..they have troubLes with the weLcome cheer..and some sidelines..

last night i read chapter 6 and 7 in pigman..yep im a bit behind..then i read 5,6,7 in Matthew..out on the swing.. i love swinging..then i came in and taLked to evan for a littLe bit..hmm i didnt do much last daddy came home..he was in ohio maybe? i thought i was gonna stay up late but i didnt, i feeL asLeep watching fuLL house at 1o3o..and i woke up at 8 this morning i was like what the heck? and i stayed up thinking about coaching for a haLf hour then feLL back asLeep tiLL like tv was on magic schooL like hmm?

today im going to the orthodontist at 1145 then im going to my grammas..hmm this shouLd be interesting.. my gramma caLLed me yesterday and was like taLking about stuff then shes like LaLa and her two sons are here from ItaLy and are going to be coming over tomorrow, so I thought i'd be nice if you guys meet her..i was like they are who? shes like there my cousins then i remebered who they were..shes like their dad is going to be fishing so he wont be there but the kids and LaLa wiLL..i was like okay..then shes like i dont think the sons speak any engLish, but LaLa like oh great?so that shouLd be interesting..and today is my last day seeing nicoLe before she sad! eer i dont want her to leave!

hmm i hope it doesnt rain anymore today..i want to coach tonight..
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