Apr 25, 2007 18:08
a future Hiram college student.
i called mom on saturday and told her what to right on the acceptance forms. i almost threw up. i hate making this desision. there is so much pressure put on this desision, its the next four years of our lives, a TON of money and well there is just a ton of pressure to pick the right place, the best place. ick. i feel like hte college should just jump out at me and make it so that there is no question in my mind as to where i should go, like peter. when he got into princton, that was it, that is where he was going. i dont have a place like that. stupid hard desisions.
but its ok because i like hiram best and anzel called and helped me to feel better about my decision.
on friday we (michel, Bela, Bela's friend, and me) went downtown to see a play. sounds fun, but it was really depressing. we saw "my name is Rachel Corry". for those of you who dont know she was a young college age student from washington. she went to the Gaza strip as a peace activist. she was run over by a bull doser while protesting.
the play was one long monalgog compieled from her diary. it gave me this odd guilty feeling, like i had no right to be mising my family so much or to complain about my life in any way because i have so many more opportunities and luxsuries then countries of people do. it is so easy to get wraped up in your own life and problems and forget about the world around you.
ok so as for the school: another schedualing run down:
on mondays the three's dont have class but the rest of the week looks like this:
on tuesdays we have swimming
on wendsadays we have studio (art) and music
on thrusdays we have Judaics (it is the JCC)
and on fridays we have library and Shabot
at first the incorperation of so many jewish traditions, prayers and teaching in the class room was weird for me. i am not used to including religon in class room actiivites. i was alittle uncomfortable with it at first, and i still dont really like the idea of preacticing religon during school. i like the idea of educating, letting children share with the class what their family bliefs/practices are but i dont like practicing one belife every day in a school setting. but the school is connected to the JCC so there are obviously gonig to be some crossovers, and i kinda like learning along with the children.
on monday since the threes dont meet i spent most of the day in the one year old class room and ended the day in the infant room. i have never worked with childern who were so young. i could see how it would be a fun age to work with throughout the year becasue so much is happening developmental wise (although that i kinda true for all ages) the teacher get to experienc first words and first steps. the teachers use simple signs to extend the childrens vocab. and make communication smoother. however i dont think i would ever survive in the infant room. the babies there were 5-9months old and only know how to do three things: sleep (though they dont do it much), eat and poop. oh yeah and cry. i love babies but that really gets old and fast. i have determeined that i need ot work with children that i can talk to, who can ask me questions and who can stimulate my intelectual wonder at the world around me. basicaly i want more then a really cute exotic pet (no offence babies). it was a good day though and i did enjoy the little time i had in the rooms.
on tuesday we didnt go swimming insted the whole school came togather to celebrate Israels 59th birthday. we made cup cakes, sang songs in hebrew and danced. it was a fun, and i liked that it connected the whole school. that is one thing i really like about this school, they are very well connected, a strng community. all the teachers seem to know every kid in the whole school by name and hte parents do a great job of staying connected as well. i like that. it is always a little odd to come into as an out sider, and for a while i was getting the look (the who are you and what are you doing hear look) i hate that look, i always want to screem im just as justified to be hear as you are. but that ended quickly, Darci sent out an e-mail explaining my presents and after a week of being in the building i have a become a farmiliar face. i am still a little shy around new teachers and parents for some reason i am always intimidated at first.
i am very intimidated by the rest of the building, although less so now that i have my offical ID card that gets me into every where, the swimming pool, the work out room, the sana, and the hot tub. i havent used any of those things yet though, im still to intimidated. i wanted to go work out after class ened at 2:30 to cut down on my waiting for the bus time and becasue FREE GYM!! but i didnt i had this weird feeling, like i didnt belong, like i dint know the way things were done and was compleatly out of my element.
there are acouple other things that i really like about the three year old class room. they have a teddy bear named benny and through out the year benny goes home with every child once on frday and is returned ot class on tuesday. along with the bear they get a journal and markers, the parents write in hte journal and add pictures of what benny did at their house over the weekend. then hte child presents the journal. i love this not only is it very cute it builds a feeling of conection through out the class.
i alos really like how every tuesday we have a circle time and share what we did over the weekend. we record the childrens words and then when every one has told their story (cus some are deffinatly stories) they draw it...or start out drawing it some times that picture evolve into something new. we ask them about their drawlings and wrtie their words on the paper- alot of time it is just labeling. by wendsday the theachers have typed up their weekend reports and mounted them to paper with their drawlings and a pictuer of them drawing it. at the end of the year each child gets a book of thier weekend reports. DOCUMENTAION!!!! they are masters of documention at this school and i love it, and so do the parents.