Apr 20, 2007 17:43
yes thats right i love soy chocolate milk.
ok so for the offical stuff (not that my chocolate milk preferanc isnt importaint) i am going ot give you guys a run down of how a tipical week day for me looks
6:30- wake up, eat something, get dressed, shove some lunch in my bag, etc.
7:11- 7:20- leave for the bus stop
7:30- 7:45- board the 216 with every one else (all 86 million people who are there every morning) and claim my seat behind the driver.
8:00-8:10- get off at my stop, and cross the street
8:17-8:25- board the 203 (the tiny not really a bus bus)
8:25-8:30- walk to the JCC (across the street)
8:30- 9:30 -preperation for the day: set up the sensory table, turn on light table, set out activities, etc.
9:30-12:30- room 212 three-year-old class is in session
12:30- 1- clean up, clean up, clean up every body do your share
1- 2:30- go to the four-year-old class for rest time and end of the day activites.
2:30-3- wander around the building for a bit then walk to the bus stop to waight for the 203
3-3:30- catch the 203 (it runs in a loop)
3:30-4 waight for the next bus
i get home at 4:30ish and sleep
the end