Jul 24, 2008 21:16
I like my job but I hate the hours. I have no life and I'm lucky I still have friends.
I've only been getting a day off at a time not the 3 in a row I was told I'd get when I accepted to position,which means I get off at 7 am on my day off and then either I try to stay up and I'm a zombie all day or I go to bed and sleep for my whole "day off" and then I'm up until 7 or 8 in the morning all my myself.
I hate it.
I'm going to talk to my supervisor, but I need my schedule to be right, I was supposed to have a 3 day weekend every other weekend. I haven't had a single one since I started in June. I should have had 4 3 days weekends, and I've had none. I'm so fuckin burnt out,I don't get to do anything for myself it's all about the hospital. I need my weekends. I'm going to start demanding them I think. Either I get the shift they hired me for or I'm going back to per diem, I may not have health insurance but at least I was happy.
It's so depressing to not get to see anyone, or do anything, I'm to tired to even leave the house most of the time I just want to stay home....
I have tomorrow "off" but I'll probably be sleeping all day.