Unexpected Hideous White Stuff

Jan 06, 2025 14:49

The giant blizzard to the south wasn’t supposed to migrate this far north, but it did. Flakes started falling while I was on my way to work out in Middletown. I pulled to the side of the road to check the forecast: No chance of precipitation, it said. All righty, then! I kept driving.

And it continued to snow.

Light snow, yes. But the back country roads I prefer to drive on were slick & icy in patches, so the Big Adrenalin.

I enjoyed the workout. A circuit of The Machines & then half an hour on a spinning bike set to emulate an easy hill grade. In the spring, I’m gonna buy a bicycle (finances permitting), so this seems like a good way to get my muscles ready. I set all The Machines to low weights. My upper body is extremely out of shape, but ya gotta start somewhere.

The drive back generated even more adrenalin.


Meanwhile, Day 5 without a functioning furnace.

I don’t want to live with a horny “priest” (see entry above) & Iggy is vinDICKtive-can’t say “Iggy” without saying “dick”!-so I took BB’s advice.

Instead of writing, Shithead, fucking DO something about this!, I emailed him, Without functioning interior heat, your pipes are gonna freeze since temps for the next four days will not go above 0° C. (That 0° C sounds so much more ominous than 32° F!)

His solution?

Move a space heater next to the furnace in the basement!

(What does he think that is gonna do? Plumbing pipes run in the exterior walls!)

Not much I can do if they don't deliver oil, he added. Which happens to be true.

Heating supply companies in these parts organize fuel deliveries based on past usage and computation of anticipated demand. Fuel users have ongoing service contracts with them. Presumably, Iggy was too much of a cheapskate to sign one. It saves him money because someone he doesn’t care about-that would be me!-ends up freezing.

Until I’m prepared to move, I have to kid-glove Iggy. I have no real leverage. He has all the power in the situation, which is infuriating. One puts a certain level of trust in the fundamental decency of other human beings, and then one runs into someone like Iggy, a selfish, greedy motherfucker, and it’s, How was I stupid enough to get myself into a situation like this?


Anyway, the space heater keeps the Patrizia-torium snug enough. Though, of course, I have to turn the space heater off whenever I go out, & then it takes a while to warm back up.

On today’s agenda: Remuneration & TaxBwana study. I had hoped to take the IRS certification exam this past weekend. But I didn’t. So, I guess I’ll take the exam next weekend.

exercise, iggy

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