You don't have to spend your time with just one group or the other. You CAN split your time between both, because you have a lot of free time with which to do so. If you feel like you need to, go chill with the other gang and we'll still be here when you come back. We're not going anywhere. OUR group, me, you, and JD, is definitely not shattered beyond repair. And things aren't going to change drastically. Yeah, I'd like to have some days when it's just me and my boyfriend. No biggie. You can still come hang out. I'm just trying to be fair to everyone. :(
I know we hardly know each other, but if you don't mind me saying so (no offense please) From my stand point (outside looking in) it seems to me you are dwelling on it way to hard, hence, making a mountain out of a mole hill. Why not go with the flow. Hang with who calls and invites you or who isn't busy that night. I know Tara & JD adore you. Why didn't you feel accepted with them? I know Tara is the most accepting person is the world, hands down. And if a change is happening here, realize life changes constantly whether you want it to or not. Accept it, mourn over it and move on. I hope it all works out for you. MS
Is it a change on your part? Cuz last I checked, you weren't all on one side of things. You were hanging out with us, you were hanging out with Brandon and his friends, and you were hanging out with Darrell and Brandi when you guys were still cool. Just cuz you start hanging out with one group of people doesn't mean you have to stop hanging out with another group of people. We love having you over. If you're like "hey guys, I'm gonna hang out with Brandon tonight", we're totally fine with that. We don't own you or anything, and you're not hurting anyone by hanging out with other people. I guess I'm just kinda confused by this post, cuz it seems like "hey guys, sooner or later we're not gonna be friends cuz I'm gonna have to have other friends". I don't think that any choices have to be made. If you wanna hang out with us, that's rad. If you don't, that's rad. As long as you're where you wanna be at a certain time, that's awesome.
Comments 3
You don't have to spend your time with just one group or the other. You CAN split your time between both, because you have a lot of free time with which to do so. If you feel like you need to, go chill with the other gang and we'll still be here when you come back. We're not going anywhere. OUR group, me, you, and JD, is definitely not shattered beyond repair. And things aren't going to change drastically. Yeah, I'd like to have some days when it's just me and my boyfriend. No biggie. You can still come hang out. I'm just trying to be fair to everyone. :(
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