And then SHE said...

Mar 22, 2007 15:48

So, nothing's really been going on. Whoo, life is boring! Except when you get to help plot stories in which one of the characters is schizo and life is like WOAH. XD

Okay, so that whore!Ed idea that I was working on a couple of months ago? Terminated. I can't do it now. Because when I went back and looked at it, I was just "... so that's what he'd look like if he were a girl." And then there were some images of him slashing me with his automail blade and Crys kind of sitting there laughing a little. Okay, a lot. But still. I'm gonna re-do it on paper that DOESN'T smudge. And I'll use a different pic too. One that gives me a better feel for his face. Because really, when I looked at it today he had a round face like a girl, really pretty eyes like a girl... hell, he had a purdy mouth. *reference to Without A Paddle* XD The only way you could tell he wasn't a girl was... um... I guess the no boobs thing, but his freaking huge-ass automail arm was covering that anyway by sticking out like a million feet long across the page. X_X Yeah. I think I'll find a better picture to use in the manga (since I'm starting to buy that now hee hee) and find some better whore clothes for him. The dress wasn't working, though I really loved the idea of Ed wearing a garter.

Yeah, I'm going to get gutted for sure. *high-tails it out of Ed-slashing range (that is, Ed-slashing-with-his-automail-blade-you-yaoi-perverts-*coughTwitchcough*) *

So yes, whore!Ed will be re-drawn. I'm also gonna do some story art for schizo-fic and that one drabble by chibinekogirl that involved Ed, PMS, and tampons. 8D Muahaha.

Blah, I still need to draw Danny's Zelda piccy thinger. And David's original character. But if he doesn't give me a good pic of Dante's jacket, I will just say "Screw it" and draw the character without one. So there. Take that, you slime! WAHAHAHA

*cough* That was a little weird there. OH OH OH I also came up with some parodies to songs. I have one all ready done and I just need to perfect the tune and run of the words before I screech it onto Crys's voice-comment thinger. And the other is a parody of The Offsprings "Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)" now re-titled... *looks around for quick-tempered blonde alchemists* "Pretty Fly (For a Short Guy)." Yeah, it's gonna be great. Hey hey, do that transmute-thing! *is crazy*

I apparently also need to get a mic for my computer because Crys demands it of me. And I kind of want one now anyway. Because then we can be all GREMLINSPEAK to each other and it will be cute but scary and shit. Yeah. And I will out-Gollum her. Preciouuuussss...

Iiiiiii walk and I run 'cause I can't find a horse to ride there! *end random*

Hm. Not much left to say. Or tell, rather. I have lots to say. Doo doo doo... Raise your hand if your brother's a ho~mo~~~~~~~~~ XD Sorry, I love Just Friends. Ryan Reynolds is hawt. That is, the actor, not my ex-Science/ Algebra teacher. Though he's kinda cute too. In his total-computer-geek-I-are-powered-by-Pepsi kind of way.

However, I love Mello more. He's just downright sexy. Just thought I'd clear that up. Mello= win. ♥~

Oooooh new Supernatural on tonight! 8D Whee! That show is freaking cool, man. The main characters are pretty, the monsters are cool, and the jokes are hilarious. Winwinwin.

For the record, I hate Math SATs.

My mom is cooing at my dog. It's really kind of creepy. Hey, I'm s'posed to call Crys and leave an Eric Cartman voice thinger. Bwahaha I have it all planned out and everything. 8DDD Hee

I think I shall end now. Shall I? I shall. Good-bye, so soon! And isn't this a crime~

... Okay, not good-bye. Ratigan is GAY. That's all. Good-bye NOW.

... Okay, I lied. Not good-bye. Again. Sheesh. I just remembered that I'm a manga-dealer at my school. My friend Jimmy caught me on that one. He pointed at me during Chemistry yesterday and was all "OMG BRITTNEY I SAW YOU GIVE THAT LITTLE ASIAN KID ANIME BOOKS!!!!1!!one!!" to which I replied "T_T It's called manga, you WHORE." And then he laughed and I laughed and then an eraser hit me in the head. Wtf.

... Hey, why wouldn't a little Asian kid want manga? o_o Dude, Jimmy's a retard. XDD Yay.

Ooh, sour things. I shall eat some. Just so you know, some means two. *cheek spazzes* e.o Woo, sour-y.

One more week and it's Easter break. Just keep chanting that to yourself. It'll all be fine. Everything will be FINE. Stupid school. At least the 30th is a half-day. *cheers*

Did I tell you all I got a new phone? Well now I did. It's black and "sexy," as Mexi-Meagan said. Or was that White-Meagan. I don't remember. Haha, White-Meagan is also my Stalker-Target, and I am so skilled at stalking her. I'll be like right next to her ear and she won't notice until she actually turns around and sees me. Then again, that could just be her being oblivious, but hey, am I not smart for choosing an unobservant object? Yeah, I thought so.

Dude, this song rocks so much ass. "Wizards in Winter" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra. It's like "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" except with kick-ass electric guitar/ keyboard/ whatever. Ooh, now it sounds "Nutcracker"-y. And back to the "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" vibe. Woo! Man, I love this song. This one, and "Wish Liszt (Toy Shop Madness)" by them. Awesomeness.

This makes me wanna do something. Besides homework. Even though I need to do that. But I won't. Oh hell no. Not yet. I'm not done procrastinating. XD Blaaaah

... Omg. What the hell is playing now?! Oh. It's The Eagles. Nevermind. They're dandy. Just scared me is all. Talk about random. Great job, Shuffle!

Our house is either infested with spiders or I've just got bad luck and happen to be around the ones that hide in random corners. X_X Hold me.

I'ma eat more sour things. Ooh, three at once. I'm daring :D Oh yeah.

I'm ending this now before it gets more stupid. That's like my new catch phrase. "I'm ending this now before... [insert thing here]" Well, that and "God bless you" because it's freaking ALLERGY season here. Damn pollen. And smog. And stuff. Wah.

... Okay, serious WTF here before I go. There apparently is a song on my computer called "What Makes the Monkey Dance" by Chuck Prophet (who the hell is he? ... she? o_O)

Rah. This is what happens when people other than me or people I trust get on my computer. @_@ This song is so weird.

Kay, good-bye now! ♥
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