Fic_Promptly is doing a Random Sentence Day, it's so much fun.
These are the links to generate your sentences: What follows are some of my favorites, a lot of them aren't posted at fic_promptly because they nigh impossible to fic for... except the first sentence, I posted that one:
"Why won't the sterile racist steam on top of the voter?" - Seriously?! Oh I hope somebody comes up with something for this, because it's such a ridiculous sentence.
"Almost daily, a robot regularly kicked the screaming shampoo bottle. "
"The fox angrily screamed at a dancing dead body. "
"However, this particular monster politely screamed at a flaming mirror. "
"The unsuitable acorn doctors an analogue under the innocent diner"
"Should a rag appall our risky revolutionary?"
"Sometimes, the ninja ate the secret chair. "
"The cat dramatically screamed at a grumpy coffin. "