This is the silence of the one you loved and left behind, the one you had to sacrifice

Jul 12, 2009 23:50

tan temprano y ya estoy tan cansada T3T.. me duelen mi brazo izquierdo y mi pierna derecha :3...
actualizo esto para que no este tan vacio xDDDD

These days I've been listening to Within Temptation and omg that brings me memories of so many things...sad and happy moments
and one of those happy moments was when I attended, the past year, Within Temptation's concert , it was the first time they came to my country :D, and I was there <3 , it was beyond amazing/great (well at that moment xD) , before remembering that I watched Black Symphony and now THAT was beyond amazing, I'm more in love with WT <33333, their songs are can I say this? they have a load of feelings, situations, reality, stories,messages, magic and I would dare to say of possible things that could happen in any context ... at least to me they have a big meaning in many ways, I know there might be more bands, but by the moment I'm just focusing on WT.
Right now I'm hearing their demos and omg! they are stunning, sometimes I think it could be better the demo version, but it's appreciated there're the demo and album versions, I'm into Hand of Sorrow and It's the fear ... but really the first time I listened to HOS, I had a reaction of something xD like a response to a stimulus, well yeah that's how it was... and now I've heard the demo version and that kinda shocks me...I have my personal reasons, and well maybe to anyone the lyrics change drastically, but to me it's just the other side of the same coin, because the lyrics are related to each other, two versions, the same story, a boy and a girl... maybe the response to the other . And finally to finish this WT writing I love Sharon <333 she is so cute, a great woman with a fantastic voice and unique hand movements xD, seeing her and attending a live concert of her is such a great experience (and it was because they played Dark Wings <3...I remember their words,well almost lol..they said: "Since we got here, we've been wanting to play this song") and she rules~ until the end of the time  PERIOD .

Pasando a otras cosas, y ya mejor escribiendo en español porque me da flojera y ya es de madrugada T_T y esto es fangirleo entre otras cosas , hace una semana aprox. soñe con Yuu Shirota muajajaja... que lindi es él xDDDDDDD, hablé con él en español (y pues los que no sepan él es mitad japonés/español) y waaaa <3333 moría de vergüenza porque fue algo asi:

*vuestra servidora estaba en una clase de estacionamiento al aire libre de un edificio que parecia un club deportivo*
*yo caminaba por el estacionamiento y aparece Yuu con unos tipos que al parecer lo iban entrevistando, nosé quien pero me jaló y nos subieron a una camioneta a todos*
*seguian entrevistando a Yuu ahí dentro y le preguntaron algo sobre su tipo de mujer ideal xDDDD yo ahi me ruborize más y voltee a otro lado pero lo veía de reojo, y él riendose de mi, feliz de la vida xDDDDD y dijó algo así: "nosé...pero definitivamente me dan curiosidad las que bajan la cabeza y se sonrojan" en el sueño no pude contener la risa y el aún feliz de la vida riendose y viendome xDDDDD <3333*

Ahora sí me voy porque ya no aguanto el dolor de mi brazo :3

within temptation, sharon den adel, sueños, yuu shirota

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