(no subject)

Nov 07, 2009 22:22

Man, it was warm today! I didn't have a jacket on and I was still overheating when I went out to do laundry. Why couldn't this have been a work day? I would have traded one of the cold days from last week.

Looks like it will be similarly warm this coming week, though. *fistpump*

This is feeling a bit like a lost weekend, as I didn't have any plans or important things to do, but also wasn't in need of vegging-out time following a big week or busy previous weekend. I've just been kind of drifting along doing small chores and general puttering while being bothered by the vague feeling that there's something else I should be doing but can't think of what. Maybe it's just the season. The peak of the fall color is gone, so it's feeling like we're in a transitional stage between seasons, and with the time change it gets dark so early... I suppose that's all bound to encourage some ennui.

Meanwhile, on the turtle front: the tank filter in the office has apparently died, so at the last minute before leaving town on Monday morning, I put in the new filter I got for the home tank. It's more powerful than a tank that size needs, but boy does it work well! I went and got a smaller version of the same filter yesterday so I can keep the bigger one for the home tank. Turtle is still living at the office for the time being, since I'm gone so much and moving her back and forth seems like a lot of unnecessary trouble. When it gets cold and I'm not away for days at a time, I'll get the big tank fully set up and bring her home.

Spending most of these recent weeks in a place with no TV or internet (usually I have at least one wherever I travel) made me realize something: I miss the internet more than I do TV. I can do without either or both for days at a time, sure, but week after week of neither has more or less weaned me off of TV entirely, where as the internet must be caught up with at the earliest opportunity. I haven't been keeping up with the new season of anything this fall. I watched two episodes each of House and Heroes online and that's it. I keep forgetting to go back and watch more as they become available. I've barely even turned the TV on when I'm home on the weekends. Of course, there's always DVDs from the library, which is like TV, only way more convenient, so I'm not off the medium entirely.

weather, turtle, television

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