Random Insomniac Realizations

May 16, 2010 08:18

1. Sleep rocks but I always feel more creative when I don't get it. What the hell is up with that?

2. I have an obsession with using MariMoon as a roleplaying PB. Seriously, the girl is love!

3. If my favorite character, Rayasha, wasn't hopelessly in love with her fiance she'd be a whore. Or a stripper. Probably both.

4. Coffee IS LOVE


6. I suck at spelling when I'm this tired. As an example, I had to retype "Girlfriend" and "Example" at least three times.

7. I have a slight (read: huge) obsession with vampires and it started before fuckin Twilight and I doubt I'll ever stop it.

8. My favorite word in the English language really is "Fuck" despite my father insisting I need to be a lady and not let such words leave my mouth.

9. Cable sucks on Sundays.

10. I'm hopelessly perverted and lack a lot of morals. Basically, cheating, lying, rape, extreme pedophilia and murdering people in cold blood all = bad. Anything else is fair game depending on the circumstance.

11. My head is for once not spinning a million miles a minute and I rather like it.

12. I like Muse, but they kinda blow.

13. I had to have thirteen because thirteen is my lucky number and I'm anal like that.

random ramblyness, insomniac diaries, thirteen, obsessions, love, nikki, fuck is a lovely word, lists

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