I just need a break

Jul 09, 2008 16:59

I don't normally post anymore because nothing new or positive really has been going on in my life to even want to post about. I would like to think that all of you that have me on your friends list do consider me that, a friend. I have been really stressed out the last few months and even those of you that have seen me it may seem like everything is all right but it really isn't. I have been worried about my law suits and what may come of them. I have been so stressed out by this I do not sleep that well and I have been having recurring migraine headaches. I try to be a positive person and give you all the positive advice but sometimes it is really hard when you yourself feel like crap. I have had a headache now for 3 days and it has not gone away yet, I am hoping if I get some of this off of my chest maybe I can just relax and the head ache will go away. I am worried for the end of this week because it is than that I will find out if I am award a settlement or if I have to go to court on my birthday. Yes thats right I could go to court on my birthday, what a great birthday gift that would be. I am hoping that I can settle this case for what we want. I really do just need some positive vibes and prayers for my case and myself if possible. All of this is weighing on my mind and it is hard to live with every day wondering if you are being followed and trying to get better. I look at all of you and you are so lucky you can enjoy the summer, I don't feel I can. I always feel that there is someone looking over my shoulder trying to take pics of me doing something that will jeopardize my case. I guess I just really need and want for this all to be over so that I can just enjoy life again and continue on getting better. Thanks for all of you taking time out for me. I am sorry if I have missed seeing or talking to any of you, it is not my intent do so.
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