All the way from
bigboybenny to your friends page, here's Peter!
1. Describe to me the difference between your persona and who you really are.
It's sort of a Tyler Durden/Fight Club kind of thing, I guess. There's Peter: the miserable band geek with a heart of gold; and there's Pedro: the obnoxious, fun-loving douchebag who takes nothing too seriously. After my sophomore year of high school I went to Germany for 6 weeks. When I came back, a few things had changed about me: 1) I wasn't afraid to fly anymore (and as I found out a little later, rollercoasters too), 2) I had discovered that I liked alcohol, but mostly beer, 3) I was much more outgoing and willing to be social, and 3) my hair was shaggy because I didn't know how to say "just a trim" in German. After a quick American haircut, I decided that I really could change how I was, and that I could be how I wanted to be. Around the same time, I became the only Datlowe child in the house (Nick + Beth were on the east coast getting their fancy educations), I got my license, my Datsun (MY Datsun!), a gas card, and a girlfriend. Oh, and the nickname Pedro, which apparently has stuck. But with all the intentional entroverting, smart-ass comments, and sweet, sweet freedom, Peter is still there. He's the nice one who does dishes and gives a hoot about stuff. He's the one who asked Ben for these questions, knowing that he would give me questions I could not skirt.
2. What do you have to offer Britt in your relationship with her?
Pedro sez: Pshaw! Ask her! I don't even know what she sees in me!
Peter says: I guess I bring her a sense of stability. She knows that I accept her and love her exactly how she is, quirks and all. I'm not sure if this is the cause, or the result, of having 0 orange bats being flung at my head.
3. Why are you so difficult to get ahold of? Why do you not return more calls and emails than ones you do? Why do you disappear from friends for longs periods of time?
OK. So here's the deal. I really hate answering the phone. Either I don't want to be rude to the other people in the room, or I'm doing something (this episode of Futurama isn't going to be on forever), or just generally don't feel like talking to people. Strange as it is, I have this weird aversion to the phone, where I think it's rude to call someone. Seriously! The phone starts ringing, making this fucking noise, and you'd better get to that phone in 10 seconds because goddamnit, I decided that you need to drop everything and listen to what I have to say! Phones are weird like that! I much prefer e-mail and text messages. So then we get to why I never return calls or e-mails. Aside from not wanting to be intrusive with that stupid phone (invented by Alexander Damn Hell -- HOHOHO SO FUNNY!), I never want to call anyone back until I have an answer, or something intellegent to say. I also need some time and place to make this call. I have never (ever) been comfortable with personal calls at work, and after work I'm either outside and it's noisy, or I'm with someone and don't want to be "that guy." And so if I don't have anything to contribute on my end, I wait until I do have something to contribute. And then I forget about it. And then I never call.
Finally, my disappearing acts are because I'm too lazy to actually go do anything with people, or because I'm too po' to do anything with people. I am constantly hoarding money, in fear that I will grow to hate my current job and quit. As you see I do frequently. So that's my answer. I'm cheap and lazy.
4. What do you fear?
-Getting old
-That I'm a fuck-up
-Nuclear proliferation
-Andrew at a poker table
5. What's up with you and alcohol?
Alcohol is a symptom of question #1. I likes alcohol, especailly beer. But this makes it sound like an alcoholic, so I'll assure you that a lot of it is part of the facade. I certainly drink, especially socially, but I rarely drink that much. It's just that when I do, you know about it. And then sometimes, Dave Lee thinks it's funny to forget to add the rest of the ingredients to my mojito and serve me a large cup of rum and mint. Then I spend hours in the Hall of Sciences trying to extract my stomach from itself. Then I get flowers! Anyway, I talk a big game about the drinking, and I back it up when it's expected socially. The rest of the time, I just like a beer with my Jack Bauer, or my football.
ALSO THIS: (note the University that did this study).
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Hey, I want to talk about myself at length too! Indulge me!"
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better ! If I already know you well, expect the questions may be a little more intimate! Although, let's be honest. I'll probably only ask you what your favorite color is.
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.