Feb 02, 2007 15:05

I know, I know. It's been forever. And ever. And nobody even looks at LJ anymore, but I don't have a job and I figured I might as well be creative in some way. Such as putting words together in a string, causing what my 1st grade teacher called "a sentence." This is creativity.

So yeah, no job. I mean, technically, I am employed by Hyatt. I just don't have a job. They don't pay me, I'm exercising the benefit to go on "personal leave" which means I don't actually do anything, I don't actually get paid to do it, and I don't actually have benefits. It's just that, should I get a position at another Hyatt (which is entirely possible), I get benefits immediately (as opposed to waiting 90 days). So to keep this from getting too boring, I have an interview there next week, and I should get a second interview at Pfizer.


"Pfizer? Didn't they just lay off 10,000 employees? Aren't you a music major? ... Peter- are you interviewing to become a lab monkey?"

YES! no. I mean, uh, I'm not interviewing for Pfizer, just at Pfizer. Because, apparently, there are financial strains, Pfizer is trying to minimize the meetings at hotels (the Grand Hyatt, for instance) where meetings are incredibly expensive to hold. Instead, they have their own conference rooms, managed by the company for which Leah currently works. And they need people to make sure that everything runs smoothly with meetings. This is essentially the same job as what I applied for at the Grand.

As much as this is presently fascinating, it is not at all. I also did some shopping this week, like some fancy shoes for working, so I can arrive at interviews and explain to their resident Forrest Gump that I am employable. Also, this bag, that's like a messenger bag/briefcase thingy, which is "leather" and also cost me $18, so that when people see me walk into an interview with this bag, they think "wow! He doesn't work here yet, but his bag looks so expensive that I want to give him a raise already!"

In non-work news. I had a revelation the other day. See, ever since I first learned the colors of the rainbow (HAHAHA GAY!), I was always uncomfortable with the acronym ROY G BIV. First of all, that's not that easy to remember, seeing as how "Biv" isn't exactly a common name. It's like that time on Saved By The Bell where Screech got sick and couldn't compete at the Academic Bowl (HAHAHA Smullen was a Mathlete!) so he had to teach Zack (because, of course, there is nobody else at Bayside who can do this. Not even Big Pete or Morton) everything he knew, including the order of the planets with the acronym "MVEMSJNUP" which he pronounced as one nonsensical word. How is he supposed to remember that? But the rainbow was always taught to us as Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet. But I had always known it was Red Green Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple. This whole "Indigo Violet" thing always threw me off. It's not two different colors, it's purple! Bitch! Finally occurred to me that when you put red and yellow together, you get orange. FINE. I can accept that. But it's not a straight line, is it? There are an infinite number of colors between red and yellow that the rainbow also is. If you don't believe me, ask Crayola. So between red and yellow, we also have orange, "orange-red," red-orange." etc. Just like between yellow and blue, we have all walks of green, blue-green, green-blue, aquamarine, teal, etc. But we don't put these in the rainbow, do we? It's not, RROOROOYYOYYGGGBBGBiv! So what come after blue? The next primary color (there are only 3) would be red again. And we all know that red and blue make purple. P-U-R-P-L-E PURPLE. But I guess Roy G. BP wasn't very sexy to those who thought Roy G Biv could be someone's name. I mean honestly- do you know anyone named Roy? Scientists are retarded (except, of course, for rocket scientists). Here's a saying for you: "Ran out yesterday. Get British Petroleum!"

It has come to my attention that these kinds of thought appear in my head fairly regularly. Some people may remember the epic (EPIC!) debate about why hot air balloons are contrary to thermodynamics. Also, I'm pretty sure that magneticism and gravity to not exist (as opposed to gravy, which I originally typed, but deleted because I have found that gravy really does exist).

And then the Super Bowl is this weekend. So there's that.

I'm sure you'll hear from me again. Both of you who read this. Laundry time!
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