Jun 01, 2006 23:38
I love beying in Love it just makes everything ok
May 12, 2006 16:53
i want to lonin
Feb 12, 2006 11:41
Another year with out a Valintine, will anyone be my valintine
Feb 08, 2006 20:00
tell me why people play games. It is not fun and pisses me off. So why do they still do it? Or and why do people beat around the bush? Why cant they be real? If I ask you a question I want the answer or I would not have asked it. Get it. does this bug anyone other them me or am I just a picky bitch
Jan 30, 2006 20:00
The question I have more then ever is "were are you going to school?" I DONT KNOW and right know dont give a fuck. When I find out I will let you know
Jan 26, 2006 23:40
hello world say it if you love svu.