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Jan 05, 2006 22:34

Some quick thoughts before going to bed:

- I will be interviewing future 1st year residents coming in next year into the program. That's good. However, we had a session today on how to interview and how to grade residents. I have NO IDEA how I managed to get into the program in the first place based on that rating scale (the same one was used last year), and get my top choice of residency as well. Really, I'm baffled.

- It's always a bit sad to hear from friends from medical school who are not enjoying their residency. So far, I'm the only person that I know of who is absolutely, madly, head over hills in love with his/her residency. That either tells you something about my program or me. I'm not sure. I think, however, that it has more to do with the program. We had the University of Calgary Family Medicine Residency Program big head cheese guy visiting us today. He commented how much happier and spirited we were than the urban program's residents, and that's after only a few minutes of listening to us.

- When I left home this morning, the hubby was signed up for three classes. He didn't want to take more this term. When I came home in the afternoon, he was signed up for four classes. When I came home this evening, the number had increased to five classes. Is this the same guy who keeps telling me to slow down and do less things at once?!? He has some pretty cool classes though: calculus, physics, economics, astronomy, and philosophy (!?!?). He will definitely keep the first three, and he still has a week or two to decide if he likes and wants to keep the last two.

- One thing that the hubby and I are trying very hard to do this semester is find time for us, as a couple. There's plenty of things that we do by ourselves, because we both enjoy our independence and some degree of solitude. However, we've noticed last semester that between my work, his school, our studying, our household responsibilities, our social obligations, and all our traveling, we actually spend very little time doing stuff together like watching a movie or just sitting and talking. Combine to this the fact that I will not even be in Lethbridge for 3 consecutive months this spring-summer, and you get very little time to work on our marriage which, contrary to popular belief, does require a certain amount of maintenance. I guess that this is good training for when we both have jobs and even more social and professional obligations. The other thing that I need to work on for myself is to leave the doctor crap at the hospital. I have noticed that F. is definitely stating more often "I am not a nurse!", which is his way of saying that my expectations are unrealistic for a home setting (for example, in the hospital, if I ask for a gauge 22 1/2 inch needle, it appears instantaneously, whereas at home, if I ask for a pot from the top shelf it may sometimes not be the correct pot and it almost never is instantaneous, which tends to get me edgy because people and things are always so efficient at work that I've come to expect that out of all aspects in my life).

- It's amazing how differently people treat you when they learn that you are a doctor. I went to the lab today to get some routine bloodwork and asked that my blood be taken with a butterfly needle (type of needle). The lab tech refused. I said something like "look, I take enough blood to know the difference between the needles, and I'm asking for a butterfly". Something click and she asked me if I was a nurse (because, you know, as a female that's my most likely profession in the health business). "Nope, I'm a doctor." Oh well...that changed everything. She stopped calling me "dear" and "honey" (which is sometimes ok, but she used it in a patronizing sort of voice) and she immediately whipped out the butterfly needle. Honestly though, I shouldn't have to use my "position" in life to get things like these, although I will admit that it is nice to have that kind of privilege/clout/power/whatever you want to call it. I just try not to abuse it.

- For the murder mystery party tomorrow, the hubby and I are playing a couple. This is to be our engagement party. The setting is London 1912, and I am to be a rabid Suffragette. That's rather funny considering that I don't think that there is a more anti-feminism woman around. F. gets to play my fiancé. His name is "Bunny". What kind of name is that for a guy??! He is a true gentleman who is my social equal, although definitely lacks in the brains department. Anyway, we were reading through who the other characters are, and I told him that it looks like we got two pretty easy characters to play. He answered "Yeah, the feminist and the dummy!" That's one way of looking at it. At least he's looking forward to going around and kissing other women's hands (as is the European custom). We'll try to get him a bowler hat. And I'll try to get some buttons and put "Vote for Women!" on them or something. I don't know. I need to go online and do a quick search on Suffragettes so that I can act my part better. Anyway, we are both really looking forward to this! :-)

- I learned today that both the McMaster and U of Ottawa Family Medicine Residency programs have not been granted their accreditation following this year's review. The two programs are now officially on probation. Not good.
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